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我们不能任其自然。We can't let things go hang.

这或许突破预算,影响海军和空军,任其自然。This would wreck budgets and upset the navy and air force. So be it.

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老子的生死观追求的是效法天长地久之道,生死任其自然,从而做到“死而不亡者寿”。Laozi s outlook on life and death is closely related to his Tao theory.

另一些人则喜欢任其自然。在南美,上述两种都不完美。For others, the joy of a trip is its spontaneity. Neither approach works perfectly in South America.

而对统治者来说,只要任其自然,清净无为,社会就会和谐发展。But for rulers only when they let it take its own course, will the society be in harmonious development.

因此,庄子主张一切任其自然,只有这样,才能达到“天下有常然”。Therefore, Zhuangzi advocates all left to nature, the only way to achieve "world, there are always natural."

经过注射的雌性老鼠任其自然交配几个月后,结果表明,接受幼鼠干细胞注射的老鼠,平均每22只就有18只可以怀孕生仔,而接受成年老鼠干细胞注射的老鼠,平均每15只就有12只能够生产幼仔,两者的后代都属于健康状态。A further 12 out of 15 females injected with stem cells from adult mice also gave birth. All of the offspring appeared to be healthy.

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实际上,只有两三个穆斯林国家鼓励女性遵守此法规或至少“任其自然”。This is, in-fact, except for two or three Muslim countries, which encourage their women to observe this ruling or at least "let it go".

乳腺癌和前列腺癌检查中出现的困境是,通常无法断定哪些肿瘤需要积极治疗,哪些肿瘤可以任其自然。The dilemma for breast and prostate screening is that it is not usually clear which tumors need aggressive treatment and which can be left alone.

自己挑好其中一株植物,每隔几天或只要它的土壤变干时就给它喷些水,而另一株植物就任其自然-一直不补充水份。Pick one plant to water every few days as it's soil dries out and it needs it. Pick one plant to leave alone- put no water in the soil of this plant.

但是如果任其自然发展,对流可以在核心的外部恢复,而最终刺入内部使核心再次开始搅动。But left alone, convection would have recovered in the outer parts of the core, and eventually penetrated deep and started the whole core churning again.

一年后,金盏花开时,她从那些金色的、棕色的花中挑选了一朵颜色最淡的,任其自然枯萎,以取得最好的种子。A year later, when the marigold bloomed, she chose one faintest from those golden and brown flowers and made it wither naturally in order to get the best seed.

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作为中国明代著名的戏剧家、文学家汤显祖认为,情感是人类的自然本性,应该任其自然抒发和表现。Being a famous dramatist and writer of Ming Dynasty in China, Tang Xianzu thought that "Sentiment" was the nature of human beings, which should be expressed naturally.