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他肯定知道。He surely knows.

我敢肯定没有一个人愿意。I am sure no one.

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答案是肯定的。The anwser is yes.

他肯定已经吃过饭了。He must have eaten.

我们俩肯定有一个是错的。One of us is wrong.

但那肯定是不对的。That must be wrong.

他们肯定能。They certainly can.

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你能肯定吗,温迪?Are you sure, Wendy?

这是一种肯定的句式。It's an affirmative.

肯定不能。Almost certainly not.

肯定是老态龙钟了。Must be in his dotage.

她不太能肯定。She could not be sure.

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肯定哪里出了事端Something is going on.

你肯定是在忽悠我!You got to be kidding!

你肯定就是老大。You must be the King!.

他肯定是个美国人。He must be an Amercian.

我就知道你肯定说不上来。I knew you didn't know.

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他们肯定属于某人。They belong to someone.

他肯定已经在家了。He must be home already.

我肯定是昏过去了。I must have blacked out.