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潘玉书长于乱世。Pan troubled times longer than the book.

“乱世高潮点”是一系列的混乱事件。Chaotic Nodes are clusters of chaotic events.

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我的这个行业如今是彻底的乱世。I’m in a business where there’s complete anarchy.

电子烟市场,果真乱世出英雄吗?乱战中谁能胜出?。Electronic cigarette market, spared from war who can win?

乱世高潮点以不断增长的强度在接近你们。The Chaotic Nodes are upon you in ever-increasing intensity.

不过,两者都被视为当前乱世中的安全港。Yet both are perceived as havens of safety in a troubled world.

但从我们的观点来看,现在有多重乱世高潮点正在显现。But from our viewpoint, multiple Chaotic Nodes are now emerging.

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在如此乱世,还该持有股票型基金吗?Should you stick with stock funds in this tumultuous environment?

近代山东是一个灾害频繁、兵匪交乘的乱世。Modern Shandong was full of frequent calamity, soldiers and brigands.

张爱玲就是一个生于乱世的奇女子。Zhang Ailing is that one was born in the strange woman in troubled times.

也许正是这样,在乱世里的爱情才更能成为旷世的传奇。Perhaps because it is in troubled times, only love can become Kuangshi legend.

当之无愧地成为中国历史上真正的乱世英雄!Ground of be worthy of becomes the real troubled times hero on Chinese history!

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人们普遍认为,乱世出枭雄,领导者就该是敢想敢做的冒险分子。真的是这样吗?Do turbulent times call for bold and risk-loving leaders, as so many people think?

在这乱世中,人们将永怀教宗保禄二世留给后世的精神传承。The legacy of Pope Paul II will be remembered forever in this world of turbulence.

盛世时赦少,乱世赦多也是历史所证明的。But, history prove less pardons in brilliant times, more pardons in troubled times.

不过,有另外一种过渡状态的风潮正从这些乱世高潮点中显露出来。There is another wave of transition states that is emerging from this Chaotic Node.

难道华尔街是盘算着没有任何限制后,在“乱世”中“横出”吗?Did Wall Street expect to emerge from all that without facing some new restrictions?

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“乱世高潮点”因其特有的性质,其往往会形成一个“意识的过渡状态”。By their very nature Chaotic Nodes tend to generate transition states of consciousness.

让她在乱世中走上了寻求自我价值的道路。This has made her to start the road of pursuing her self-value in the time of misfortune.

乱世第一人砺冰的大哥盘斧岂是浪得虚名之辈!Chaotic one person the eldest brother dish of the Li ice ax namely a wag hollow fame of generation!