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那个暴风雨之夜雷电交加。It thundered and lightened that stormy night.

有一场雷电交加的大暴雨。There was a heavy storm with thunder and lightning.

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雷电交加,一家四口在黑暗中摸索着。The family groped in the darkness, amid thunder and lightning.

今晚将有雷电交加的大暴雨。There will be a heavy storm with thunder and lightning tonight.

婚姻结于天堂,所以紧接着,雷电交加。Marriages are made in heaven. But then again, so are thunder and lightning.

一个雷电交加的夜晚,母亲把孩子安抚上床睡觉。During a violent thunderstorm night, a mother was tucking her small boy into bed.

八月十五日午后,台北上空雷电交加。On the afternoon of August 15, thunder and lightning danced in the skies above Taipei.

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云层涌过来,也许一两个小时后会有雷电交加的暴风雨。There were clouds coming up and probably in an hour or two there would be a thunderstorm.

你也许听人说,在雷电交加的时候,你的车是一个安全的避难处,这是真的。You may have heard that your car is a safe place to be in a thunder storm , and this is true.

漆黑的夜晚,风吹雨打,雷电交加,我全然被这种力量震住了。The dark night, wind and rain, thunder and lightning, I was completely overawed by this force.

我期待完美浪漫的爱情,就像是在雷电交加的夜晚等待暴风雨的到来。Waiting for the perfect and romantic love, I've made preparations for the tempest in thunderous night.

他的脸阴沉发怒像雷电交加的乌云,坚决地握紧拳头,眼盯着地面。He blackened and scowled like a thunder cloud, and kept his fists resolutely clenched, and his gaze fixed on the ground.

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走投无路的秦琼在雷电交加的风雨中晕倒在杏花村外山沟里。The desperate QinQiong in the wind and rain with thunder and lightning faint in the almond flowers in the village into a ditch.

尽管如此,遇到雷电交加的恶劣天气,最好不要使用电脑,并应拔掉电脑电源的插头,以保安全。Nonetheless, meet with thunder and lightning of weather, had better not use computer, and should unplug computer power plugs, in order to protect security.

大劫后,天空地面到处都是落灰,天候变得非常寒冷和阴暗,大地荒芜,寸草不生,经常下雨或降雪,雷电交加的暴风雨是司空见惯的。Because of falling ash, the setting is very cold and dark and the land is devoid of living vegetation. There is frequent rain or snow, and electrical storms are common.

忽然,乌云密布,天一下子从平静的白天变成了混乱的黑夜,雷电交加,狂风大作,原本平静的海面翻起滔天巨浪。Suddenly, dark clouds, it suddenly from the calm day turns into a chaotic night, lighting accompanied by peals of thunder, blustery, originally a calm sea turned up billows.

图中一道闪电袭击世界最高建筑,迪拜的哈利法塔。抓到这张图的是一位名叫穆罕默德·哈姆丹的学生,其时一场雷电交加的暴风雨正在阿拉伯联合酋长国上空肆虐。哈利法塔塔高828米。The world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, is hit by lightning in this picture captured by Mahmoud Hamdan, a student, as a huge electrical storm rolled in over the United Arab Emirates.