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这次打腿有助于拉平身体。That helps level the body.

史密斯进的球把比分拉平了。Smith's goal evened the score.

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这样就会使事情拉平一点。This should even things up a bit.

最后一球把比分拉平了。The last goal evened up the score.

菲菲拉平兔子是一个非常时髦。Fifi Lapin is an extremely stylish rabbit.

金击出一个全垒打,吧比分拉平了。King hit a home run, evening up the score.

母亲把面包屑刷掉,把桌布拉平。Mother brushed off the breadcrumbs and smoothed out the cloth.

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拉平他那件黄蓝两色带条纹的运动衫。Taylor rose and straightened his yellow and blue striped sweater.

小的帆面更轻,更容易升起和拉平,收储起来也更小。Smaller sails are lighter, easier to hoist and trim, and smaller to stow.

揉皱一页烹调用纸,再拉平它,然后放在锅上。Crumple a sheet of cooking paper, flatten it, and then place it over the pan.

该绳索或绳缆应可以在两根网柱的上端稳固地伸拉平直。The cord or cable shall be stretched firmly, flush with the top of the posts.

这就能体会了,本来罗杰斯一定是想在钱的题目上拉平来。It would make sense. so Rogers must turn into leveling in regards to the money.

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起床后,我拉平床单,拍松枕头,把床铺好。After getting up, I picked at the sheet, fluffed up the pillow and made the bed.

在一条直线中,拉平肩使它变直,越过胸骨,到左边的臀部。Draw it flattened from the shoulder, in a straight line, across the sternum , to the left hip.

把满脸褶子都拉平好显得平滑有光泽。你骗不了任何人,小甜心。Overfed faces getting pulled and lifted and stretched all taut and shiny. You're not fooling anybody, sweetheart.

他们不希望拉平社会,而是希望给予每个人发挥自己最大能力的机会。They did not want to level society, but rather give to each individual the opportunity to make the most of his abilities.

用单桅艇装备一艘只有一个水手的小船,拥有容易拉平以及在竞速时机动性强的优势。With a small boat and one sailor, a cat rig has the advantages of being simple to trim and very maneuverable when racing.

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在球赛结束前两分钟,另一个球队踢进了一球,把比分拉平。这是场激动人心的比赛!Two minutes before the end if the match, the other team scored a goal to make the scores level. It was a nail-bitting finish!

人类的分离不能通过拉平或混合不同目的而将其压入一个合成的公共福利。Human separateness may not be diminished by levelling, averaging, or amalgamating different human ends into a composite public welfare.

托德拉平成立通讯卫星物流,一个虚构的公司,其名称和标记是用来获得的地方对我们大多数人无法到达。Todd Lapin founded Telstar Logistics, a fictional company whose name and mark is used to gain access to places most of us couldn't reach.