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施小恩惠。Do small favours.

愿恩惠常与你们同在!Grace be with you.

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愿恩惠常与你们众人同在。Grace be with you all. Amen.

我们施给此人种种恩惠。We heap the man with favours.

他恳求国王的恩惠。He craved a favor of the king.

药物繁育是医药学的一个恩惠。Breeding drugs would be a medical boon.

我受过他不少恩惠。I have received many kindnesses from him.

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但是我已经很幸运,得到很多恩惠。But I was very privileged, and very lucky.

玥不想再受荣恩惠,辞职不干。He didn't want to be glory favor, and quit.

我从未能报答她对我的许多恩惠。I can never repay her many kindnesses to me.

我期望上帝的恩惠。I hope the grace of God would descend on me.

因为神的恩典是宝贵的,是我们不配得的恩惠。Because God's grace is precious unmerited favor.

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她前言不搭后语地对他表示感谢,好像受到了什么恩惠。She thanked him incoherently, as if for a favor.

第二,计划必须真正、确实不带政治恩惠。Second, the plan has to be really, truly pork-free.

享用借花献佛的恩惠是要付出代价的。Be shy of favours bestowed at the expense of others.

恩惠悦人如花朵,满意只在新鲜时。Benefits please, like flowers, while they are fresh.

给自己一点恩惠吧,安排一次产前按摩。Do yourself a favor and schedule a prenatal massage.

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是上帝的恩惠还是恶魔的召唤,不得而知。It is sacred benefaction or diabolical call, unknown.

从一个层面上来讲世界杯是带来了一个短期的恩惠。At one level the World Cup has been a short-term boon.

无论如何,惠媛都强调敏宇所爱的那个人是恩惠。However, HW affirms that the one who MW loves is Eunhye.