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还需要一艘新的浅水炮舰。One new monitor is also needed.

他还表示他们遭到坦克和海军炮舰的炮击。He also said they had been shelled by tanks and navy gunboats.

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中国的炮舰,仍然意味着紧张气氛,也许比赌场更加火上浇油。China's gunboats, meant to still tensions, may stoke them instead.

日政界指责中方的炮舰政策,并警告由此导致冲突的风险。Japanese politicians condemned China’s gunboat tactics and warnedof the risk of conflict.

自从十九世纪晚期,被美国的炮舰轰开贸易大门之后,日本迅速发展起来。JAPAN developed rapidly after American gunboats opened it to trade in the late 19th century.

炮舰轰击虽然较为准确,但德国人加强了大炮阵地,所以也未能充分发挥作用。Although the naval bombardment was more accurate, it was not much more effective against the hardened German gun emplacements.

早期的体育全球化可是帝国主义的一个副产品,球棒、球拍、球和俱乐部,都是随着炮舰和鸦片一起出现的。Earlier sports globalisation was a by-product of imperialism. The bats, balls, rackets and clubs came along with the gunboats and opium.

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今天下午,有两条花旗炮舰,三条东洋鱼雷艇,奉到紧急命令,开汉口去,不知道为什么。This afternoon two American gun-boats and three Japanese torpedo-boats left for Hankow under urgent orders, though I don't know what for.

强化军事同盟的倾向有所抬头,新的“炮舰政策”正在肆虐,地区性冲突此起彼伏。The tendency towards closer military alliance is on the rise. new forms of "gunboat policy" are rampant. regional conflicts have cropped up one after another.

强化军事同盟的倾向有所抬头,新的“炮舰政策”正在肆虐,地区性冲突此起彼伏。"The tendency towards closer military alliance is on the rise. New forms of " gunboat policy"are rampant. Regional conflicts have cropped up one after another. "

霍克炮舰在霍克战舰基本设计上进行改进,除保持橡木船体和双重主帆外,前后甲板塔楼更为宽阔,可安置重型火炮。The Gun Holk is an upgrade of the basic Holk design. Constructed of tough oak, equipped with two sails and a greatly increased fore and aft castle armed with a battery of cannons.

列强利用炮舰干涉教案的政策对中外双方都产生了重要影响,并给中国人民留下了深刻的历史教训。The gunboat policy of big powers used to interfere opposing Christianity case produced important influence for both China and the foreign countries. It brought deep history lesson for Chinese people.