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一只又黑又大的臭虫紧紧地咬着一只大黑狗的黑不溜秋的大鼻子。A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose!

对不起,我这黑不溜秋的身子,弄脏了母后的浴袍。Forgive me. My shabby clothes have soiled the Empress' bathrobe.

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不多一会儿,只见河上有个黑不溜秋的玩意儿在向我们漂来。Presently a dark object was seen in the river, bearing towards us.

不多一会儿,只见河上有个黑不溜秋的玩意儿在向我们漂来。Presently a dark object was seen in the river, drifting towards us.

亲爱的,他没有给家里带回一个黑不溜秋的女人已经是万幸了。It's a mercy he didn't bring us over a black daughter-in-law, my dear.

薄薄的电话薄让油污的手指翻得黑不溜秋。The thin phone book was grimy from being thumbed by filling station hands.

亲爱的,还是她吧,总比娶个黑不溜秋的媳妇回来,养出十来个黄黑脸皮的孙子孙女儿好些。Better she, my dear, than a black Mrs Sedley and a dozen of mahogany grandchildren.

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我在四岁时就能看报纸,但乐谱对我来说,只是一片黑不溜秋的花体字。And though I could read a newspaper when I was four, scores were only pretty black squiggles.

小丁听到这里就有半开玩笑,有点愤愤地说,你小子,长得黑不溜秋的,反正不像个好人,怎么勾女就那么厉害呢。Xiaoding heard here is half make fun of, a little angrily said, your boy, is dark and swarthy, but is not a good man, how Gounv so badly.

同时,一张毛茸茸、黑不溜秋的大宽脸咧着嘴从门口笑着进来,形状骇人,露着满嘴的獠牙。At the same moment, an enormous, bristling, and clayey face made its appearance at the door, with a hideous laugh which exhibited not teeth, but fangs.