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明日香,丽是我妹妹。Asuka, Rei is my sister.

明日之星HTML5的崛起。The rising star of HTML5.

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明日革命已蓄势待发!One more day to revolution!

明日,是个许愿井。Tomorrow is a wishing well.

他定于明日到达伦敦。He is due in London tomorrow.

因为彩虹是明日希望的象征。Theis a sign of hope for tomorrow.

明日瓜熟,今日能蒂落吗?Can tomorrow’s child be born today?

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明日之星从康斯达开始!Future stars start from Kang Start!

嗯,好好准备一下,明日的冰湖之旅。Getting ready for the next day ride.

或者明日下午三时?Perhaps tomorrow afternoon at three?

没完没了的工作,就是为了明日复明日的生活。Endless work, just for tomorrow's life.

本法庭暂时休庭,明日继续审理。This court will adjourn until tomorrow.

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今日能做的事,勿延至明日。——富兰克林。Not until tomorrow what you can do today.

为明日的美好收成,今日就要小心撒种。Sow today what you want to reap tomorrow.

我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。If all my things are put off till tomorrow

惣流·明日香·兰格雷是无所畏惧的!Sohryu Asuka Langley is afraid of nothing!

昨日已成历史。明日尚是未知。Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.

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展现在明日的阴晴雨兮?Do you think tomorrow will bring sun or rain?

甚至在他们能够预见明日的希望之前?Even before they can previse tomorrow's hope?

世人若被明日累,春来秋去老将至。All mortals are tired for the sake of tomorrow