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别磨磨蹭蹭了,要不然我们就来不及了。Don't dally about or we'll be late.

我来不及把车停下来,我只能向右转。I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right.

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原来,我还是来不及我们的地老天荒。Originally, I still not our the end of life.

当时我心一横,“反正现在再改也来不及了!”Well, I thought, "It is too late to change."

他匆忙去关收音机,但是已经来不及了。He hurried to turn it off, but it was too late.

赶头班车恐怕来不及了。I'm afraid it's too late to catch the first bus.

现在再改变已经来不及了,木已成舟。It's too late to change it now. What's done is done.

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来不及收拾自己的情绪,继续埋头工作。No time to manage own mood, I have to continue working.

有些人推迟立遗嘱的事,后来就来不及了。Some people put off making their wills till it is too late.

对不起,你的申请交来太晚了,我们来不及考虑了。I 'm sorry your application came too late for consideration.

并且我就像一个闷闷不乐的新妈妈,来不及应付她的角色。And I felt just like a sullen new mom, not ready for her role.

如果现在才送去洗,明天就来不及了,对吗?If I send them now they won't be ready for tomorrow,will they?

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对不起,我要赶飞机,不然就来不及吃午饭,再见。Sorry, I have to catch this flight. I'm late for lunch. Ta-ta.

他还来不及扣动板机,飞机又飞高了。Before he could press the trigger, the plane had gone up again.

叫了,不到一分钟就到,但是已经来不及了,杰克,她已经走了……It will be here in less than a minute. But it's too late, Jack.

突然间发觉这么多年就过去了,还来不及思考理想已变成幻想。While without a sencond thought, the dream has became a delusion.

来不及细想思念从此孤注一掷。With no time to think the yearnings gave up everything for a shot.

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我忙不过来,没空带他们……等汤姆下班又来不及。I'm too busy to take them. and Tom won't be back from work in time.

但要是我的方法对BEI的进展有帮助的话,我高兴还来不及呢。However, if my approach helps BEI to progress, I would be only glad.

母亲还来不及阻止小露丝,她就把什么都告诉了父亲。Little Ruthie told Father everything before Mother could shut her up.