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他向报社投了一篇诗稿。He contributed poem to a newspaper.

他投诗稿给杂志。He contributed poems to the magazine.

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他手写的诗稿价值不菲。His handwritten poems are worth a fortune.

他目瞪口呆地站着,手里紧握着那沓诗稿。He stood agape, the manuscript clutched in his hand.

在撕毁自己不满意的诗稿原稿时,海子的表现就是暴怒的。When tearing up his own unsatisfied poetry draft, Haizi's manner was furious.

他终于把钢笔慢慢地插入笔帽,藏起了自己的诗稿。Finally he slowly slid the cap on to his fountain pen and put away his manuscript.

有些爷爷的诗稿,过去也没啥用,都当了揩腚纸。Some grandpas poem draft, pass by didn't also what use, all was to wipe Mao paper.

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我甚至不必费神看我的诗稿,因为这首诗我花了很多时间完善韵律、对齐音步,所以我对这首诗了熟于胸。I'd spent so much time perfecting the rhymes, and counting the beats, that I knew the poem by heart.

我抄了一本,把大部分诗稿送给他并希望他为该书所感动,不要再愚蠢地从事于诗歌。I copied and sent him a great part of it, which set in a strong light the folly of pursuing the Muses.

最初,她能够顺利地使用这些数据,但是随着投稿越来越多,跟踪每篇诗稿的状态越来越难了。This has worked alright for her, but as she sends more and more submissions out, tracking the state of each poem becomes more difficult.

那页完成了一半的诗稿从膝上滑落下来,他头向后仰,嘴张着,正徜徉在梦河里碧草如茵的河岸。His paper of half-finished verses slipped from his knee, his head fell back, his mouth opened, and he wandered by the verdant banks of dream-rivers.

当沃尔特轻声地朗诵着他的诗稿之时,山下传来了一阵声响,一个人嘎吱嘎吱地走着,路上的碎石不时被压分出去,发出咔嗒咔嗒的声响。Up from below came another sound that broke in upon Walt reading softly from his manuscript. It was a crunching of heavy feet, punctuated now and again by the clattering of a displaced stone.