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那真是千钧一发的事。It was a close call indeed.

金猴奋起金箍棒,千钧一发扫魔妖!Jinhou rise, Saul's golden a devil!

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真是千钧一发,不过,很幸运地,敌人找错了目标。It was a close call, but luckily enemy had had aim.

洪水来临,人民的生命安全处在千钧一发的状态。The people's safty hung by a hair when the flood came.

因此,这次韩国的圣诞危机,的确是千钧一发的。So the stakes are very high in this Korean Christmas crisis.

就在这千钧一发之际,从树林中猛然奔出一匹白色的骏马。At this juncture, from the woods suddenly rush out of a white horse.

从很多方面讲,全球和谐的事业依然千钧一发。In many ways, the cause of global harmony remains precariously poised.

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因为这把千钧一发的利剑随时都会掉下来,给他攒来杀身之祸。The nick of the sword as this fall at any time, save him to the fatal disaster.

梅根被带到罗德农场,情况已经是千钧一发了。By the time Megan was referred to Rhodes Farm, the situation had reached crisis point.

千钧一发之际泥鳅用自己的身体盖住了手榴弹,壮烈牺牲。At a crucial moment when the loach with his body covered the grenade, heroic sacrifice.

中国千钧一发地逃过了2008年的灾厄——而其他国家则陷入了衰退之中。China escaped 2008 with just a scare -- even as the rest of the world fell into recession.

换句话说,在千钧一发之际,喝一杯咖啡或浓茶也许能立杆见影地缓解哮喘患者的紧急症状。In other words, in a pinch, a cup of coffee or strong tea might provide some momentary relief.

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有很多,但是这是千钧一发之间的小路,死在威尼斯和承诺。There are many, but it's a close call between Cul-de-Sac, Death in Venice and The Commitments.

在这千钧一发的瞬间,禁卒知道那两名唱歌的囚犯拥有一些他没有的东西。In that moment of crisis, the jailer realized that those two singing prisoners had something he didn't have.

让我的千钧一发和他迅速的行动提醒大家,知晓海姆利希手法是多么重要。Let my close call and his quick action serve to alert others to the importance of knowing the Heimlich method.

大卡车即将爆炸,司机双腿又被火所伤,千钧一发之时,库帕夫妇挺身相救。The big rig was about to explode and the driver's legs were engulfed in flames. The Coopers came to the rescue.

在这千钧一发之时,多亏王星及时赶到英雄救美,把谢思潇托上了岸边。At this crucial moment, thanks to the hero save the United States, he arrived on time my Xie Sixiao on the shore.

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我短短的一生中,生过许多次病,经历过很多千钧一发的时刻,有过失望、有过折磨,也有过自己的磨难。I have had in my short life a multitude of illnesses, close calls, disappointments, sufferings, and personal crosses.

卓久放火被保安队发现,千钧一发之际,龙方赶到救了卓久,但三人被保安队包围。ZhuoJiu fire is discovered by security, juncture, get saved ZhuoJiu company, but three people surrounded by security.

飞行员们会学习到,当他们面临千钧一发的时刻时,他们不该逃避他们的恐惧,而该迎向它。Pilots learn that when they face a life-defining challenge, they should not run from their fear. They should embrace it.