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教父三部曲。The Godfather Trilogy 720p.

观看完魔戒三部曲的时间。The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

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黑客帝国三部曲---凯瑞·安·莫斯Carrie-Ann Moss — The Matrix trilogy

他也发明了戏剧三部曲。He also invented the dramatic trilogy.

他像道斯·帕索斯那样写过一部三部曲。Like Dos Passos he did write a trilogy.

最后一部分的气候的樵夫的三部曲。The climatic final part of the Woodman's trilogy.

在曲式结构上,多采用三部曲式。In the musical form structure uses the trilogy type.

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我今天要以总结亚里士多德第三部曲收尾。I want to begin today with concluding Aristotle part3.

我们可以把这个故事拍成一个手镯之王三部曲。It could be a three parter called "Ruler of the Bracelet".

它在回到未来三部曲中被极好的特写了一番。It was famously featured in the Back to the Future trilogy.

不过,幸亏有前传三部曲,丘巴卡又回来了。Chewbacca nonetheless returned thanks to the prequel trilogy.

这部重磅电影是该三部曲电影中的第三部。The blockbuster is the third installment in the film trilogy.

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此书是刘墉先生以女儿为对象写的“成功三部曲”终结本。This book is the last one of Mr Liuyong 's "Success trilogy ".

所以他指导患者们每日做“清洁、治疗、预防”三部曲。So he counsels his patients to “cleanse, treat, prevent” daily.

而三部曲的第一部暂定将于2009年上映。The first film is tentatively scheduled to hit theaters in 2009.

事实上,三部曲最严重的缺陷在于书中的男主人公。The most crippling weakness of the trilogy, however, is its hero.

三部曲中小模型的制作以及拍摄用去了988天。Miniature photography for the trilogy took up a total of 988 days.

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因此,后人也称这后三部交响曲为“悲剧三部曲”。Therefore, the last three symphonies are called "thespian trilogy".

“血迹蔓延”是埃尔罗伊“美国黑帮三部曲”中的最后一部作品。“Blood's a Rover” is the final book of his “Underworld USA” trilogy.

他们将一起组成一个交相辉映的三部曲。And together they're going to form a trilogy which feed off each other.