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仿佛前世注定的一场炼狱。Something pre-ordained. A Calvary.

祷告词是为炼狱中的灵魂念的。Prayers were said for souls in Purgatory.

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丈夫冯矬子从那苦熬的炼狱中获释了。Husband von from from that for purgatory released.

中文版的炼狱,又称DK2是非法服务器。Chinese Version of Darkeden, known as DK2 is illegal service.

据说每吃掉一个“灵魂饼”,就会有一个灵魂被从炼狱中拯救出来。Each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory.

我知道也许一直以来你都觉得生活如同炼狱,或许以后也这样想。I know this's been hell for you and it may be hell for a while to come.

但是对于当地居民来说,加里亚简直就是一座炼狱。But for the people who live above an inferno, Jharia is a condemned place.

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他们经常能创造进球机会,弗拉顿公园是一个炼狱客场。They were always creating chances and Fratton Park is a difficult place to go.

一位清教徒的无间炼狱却是他的生活写照。Life at the mansion was lavish and lascivious—a Puritan's ninth circle of hell.

和野蛮人不同,炼狱狂暴龙兽在狂暴之后不会力竭。Unlike a Barbarian, however, a fiendish rage drake is not fatigued after raging.

我身在炼狱留下这份记录,是希望玉姐和家人能原谅我此刻的决定。I am leaving these words in the hope that Li and my family will forgive my decision.

因此高盛现在每天都处于监管的炼狱之中,同时意味着巴菲特每天都能白拿钱。So every day that Goldman is in regulatory purgatory means more free money for Buffett.

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中层经理要经过一场心灵炼狱后,方能化蛹为蝶。The middle-level manager needs a kind of mind purgatory, and then can finally be the best.

根据林诉美案,台湾国籍被旧金山和约界定为政炼狱。Under Lin v. US, the Formosan nationality was put in terms of political purgatory of SFPT.

地藏王菩萨地狱不空,誓不成佛,是热恼炼狱里的义工。Ksitigarbha, Bodhisattva of the hell, vows to save their inmates before he becomes a Buddha.

但四十五亿年前,在我们的星球诞生时,它只不过是一个炽热炼狱。But four-and-a-half billion years ago, when our planet was born, it was just a molten inferno.

尽管检测结果是阳性的可能性极小,这两周的时间也绝对像是炼狱。Although it’s highly unlikely your results well be positive, those two weeks are like purgatory.

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每天我都向我那黑暗的炼狱主宰祈祷,希望他没发现我们已经没有碎糖末了。Every day I pray to my dark fiendish overlords that he doesn't learn that we're out of sprinkles.

地狱、炼狱和天堂看起来似乎相异,如同绝望、忧惧和拯救的确据。Hell, purgatory , and heaven seem to differ the same as despair, fear, and assurance of salvation.

恶魔王子们通常会饲养一些强有力的炼狱种狂暴龙兽,并用于他们的深渊军队中。Demon princes often breed powerful fiendish versions of rage drakes to use in their Abyssal armies.