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这个国家在行政区划分上分为许多郡。Administratively, the country is divided into counties.

五台县位于山西省东北部,行政区划上属于忻州地区,其方言属于晋语五台片。Wutai County belongs to the Xinzhou Region in the Northeast of Shanxi province.

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三峡地区是一个复杂的地理和行政区划环境。Three Goraes area has a complicated condition of geographical features and district.

清朝中央政权更进一步明确了各藏区的行政区划。The Qing Dynasty further defined administrative divisions in Tibetan-inhabited areas.

这些区域也以行政区划为界并超出30公里半径距离。These zones also follow administrative boundaries and extend beyond the 30 km radius.

首次开展了北京行政区划内梅花栽植情况摸底调查。An investigation of Prunus mume planting in Beijing districts is carried out for the first time.

公证机构不按行政区划层层设立。The notarial offices are not established on different levels according to administrative hierarchy.

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中国残疾人联合会按照全国行政区划建立了各级地方组织。The federations has established its local branches on the basis of national administrative divisions.

平原省就是在这一时期的行政区划调整过程中短期存在过的一个省。The Pingyuan province has existed short in this time administrative regionalization alignment procedure.

市辖区的名称不能单独用作企业名称中的行政区划。The name of the city area can not be used as a separate enterprise in the name of the administrative division.

劳动争议仲裁委员会不按行政区划层层设立。Labor-dispute arbitration commissions shall not be set up level by level according to administrative divisions.

大洋洲的总面积约有8,935,500平方公里,包括在行政区划上属于亚洲的伊里安岛。The total area of Oceania is about 8,935,500 square kilometres, including West Iran which is political in Asia.

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五部也不再强调部族的意义,而是成为行政区划概念。Five Bus become a concept of administrational divisions instead of laying emphasis on the significance of tribes.

市辖区的名称不能单独用作企业名称中的行政区划。A name of a district under a city may not be used separately as the administrative division in an enterprise name.

县域经济是介于宏观经济和微观经济之间的中观经济,是带有行政区划性质的经济。Country economy is a subject which is between Macro economy and Micro economy and it has the character of regionalism.

劳动争议仲裁委员会不按行政区划层层设立。The labor dispute arbitration commissions shall not be established level by level according to administrative divisions.

分析了行政区划调整可能引起边界线变化的各种情况。This paper analyses all kinds of possible situations of boundary for the reason of administrative division readjustment.

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就行政区划而言,除将占领地区的东、南部分划归黔中、巫郡管理外,楚国还设立巴郡管理其余广大占领地区。Besides, Chu State not only set Qiangzhong County, Wu County, but also set Ba County in order to manage the other vast areas.

我国加入WTO和温州市的行政区划调整,给鹿城带来了前所未有的机遇。Wenzhou, China's accession to WTO and the adjustment of administrative divisions, giving Lucheng unprecedented opportunities.

行政区划调整对广州大都市区的发展带来了重要影响。The administrative division adjustments have brought a far-reaching impact for the development of Guangzhou metropolitan area.