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新铁路正在修筑之中。The new railway is under construction.

这条高速公路依丘陵地形起伏修筑。The highway was contoured to the hills.

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修筑道路还需要人工劳动。Building roads still involves manual labor.

他们修筑铁路使之通入林区。They ran a railroad into the forest region.

这条高速公路依丘陵地形起伏修筑。The downs fell in gentle undulations to the sea.

在北京西边,修筑者们遇到了粘土。West of Peking, the builders struck sticky clay.

修筑长城需要几百万的劳工。To build the Wall, Chin needed millions of workers.

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在山区修筑公路确是艰钜的事。A road in the mountainous area was a real challenge.

我们需要更多的资金来修筑道路,开办医院和学校。We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.

蒸汽压路机用来修筑道路。A steam roller is used in making and repairing roads.

人们用石头线、树枝,或泥土在水中修筑线脚。People made mounds of stone, brush, or mud, in water.

河狸用树枝和泥土修筑它们的家。The beavers build their home by using sticks and mud.

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州长公开表明过他赞成修筑那新公路。The governor is on record as favoring the new highway.

修筑新的快车道系统的工程已经开始。Work has been started on the new system of motor ways.

苏联每年修筑700公里铁路。The Soviet Union used to build 700km of railways a year.

村民们修筑一道堤以蓄存湖里的水。The villagers built a wall to retain the water of the lake.

俄罗斯有5000英里的铁路线修筑在永久冻土层上。There is 5, 000 miles of railway track built on permafrost.

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哈德良长城长约120公里,耗时6年修筑而成。It is about 120 kilometres long. It took six years to build.

修筑了土墙和排水沟来防止风沙和水涝。Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water.

他修筑了几条整齐的小路,并且在池子上架起了一座木桥。He made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.