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风把树吹得东倒西歪。Winds tortured the trees.

这辆旧汽车东倒西歪地行驶。The old car walloped down.

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这个东倒西歪的粮仓该修理了。The rickety barn needs repairing.

零只班马东倒西歪地进入动物园。Zero zebras zigzagged into the zoo.

汽车在陡峭的路上东倒西歪地前进。The car bucketed down the steep road.

卡车东倒西歪地驶过街角。The truck careened around the corner.

他的笑话使听众东倒西歪。The audience were convulsed with laughter.

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汽车在凸凹不平的路上把我们颠簸得东倒西歪。The car jolted us badly over the rough road.

由于这些伤痛的存在,原本顺畅的舞步很容易就走样成东倒西歪的动作。These injuries can easily turn smooth movements into choppy actions.

他们摇摇幌幌。东倒西歪,好像醉酒的人。他们的智慧无法可施。They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit's end.

佛瑞德做了个来这里的手势,库尔特东倒西歪地站起来走向他的同伴。Fred made a short come-here gesture and Kurt groggily rose and went to his comrade.

窗外的竹子被狂风吹得稀里哗啦,东倒西歪。The clump of bamboo outside the window was completely flattened by the raging winds.

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他们无光,在黑暗中摸索,又使他们东倒西歪,像醉酒的人一样。They grope in the dark without light, and he maketh them to stagger like a drunken man.

一些读者吃惊的问我起那么早,是怎么对付早上困的东倒西歪的状况的。A few readers asked how I deal with the initial grogginess that comes with waking up so early.

忘却了大风过后的东倒西歪、粉红色的三文鱼、修道院的废墟和库尔的野天鹅。Forget the windblown scenery, the pink salmon, the monastic ruins and the wild swans at Coole.

结果,不仅饭菜远不如平时做得好,而且贝西走起路来似乎东倒西歪。No only was the meal well below the usual standard, but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily.

结果,不仅饭菜远不如平时做得好,而且贝西走起路来似乎东倒西歪。Not only was the meal well below the usual standard but Bessie seemed unable to walk steadily.

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周一,贵州省望谟县遭遇洪水袭击,许多车辆被冲得东倒西歪。Vehicles are swept away by flood in Wangmo County, southwest China’sGuizhou Province on Monday.

天明时,一堂醉得东倒西歪的大臣已没有一个还有帽带子的了。By the next morning, the great officials were all dead drunk, and none of them had their hat strap.

引起他们注意的是那老人走起路来东倒西歪,象喝醉了酒似的。What had attracted their attention was that the goodman was walking in a zig-zag, as though he were intoxicated.