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能说说知心话。Can say speaks frankly.

他把我告诉他的知心话告诉了每个人。He blabbed my confidences to every one.

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我明白,我们是在私下里交谈知心话”。I understand that we speak together in confidence.

那可怜的姑娘向我谈了知心话,把她的一切情况都告诉了我。The poor girl opened her mind and told me everything about herself.

他妈妈仍然爱他,可是他早已不和他妈妈说知心话了。His mother loved him, but he had long ago stopped to share his thoughts with her.

玛丽和琳这是好朋友,她们经常互相谈知心话。Mary and Linda are good friends They often have heart to heart talks with each other.

这个人必须是你信任的人,一个你可以自在讲知心话的人。This needs to be someone you can trust and someone who you can speak freely to in confidence.

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一丝从心底升起的悲哀蔓延了我的全身,都过了半辈子了,连个可以说知心话的人都没有。A rose from heart 's woes spread all over my body, spent half of my life, even may say good words are not.

在安静的地方,端一杯温暖的茶,和朋友分享一些知心话。Share invaluable words over warm cups in quiet places. Treasure time spent in heart-to-heart conversations.

你腾跃你周围街道,穿越了你的信用卡号码告诉陌生人你的知心话?Do you cavort around your neighborhood, passing out your credit card numbers and telling strangers your intimate secrets?

他从不把他夫人对他说的知心话告诉任何人,不管是谁,或向别人描述他夫人在卧室里的模样。He never tells anyone, no matter who, what his wife told him in confidence, or describes what she looks like in her bed room.

后来,我就一直这样注视着这些荷叶,仿佛听到了它们的低语,好像在说老朋友间的知心话“。For a long time I gazed at the leaves silently, only to listening to the murmurs of these old friends and sharing their deepest feelings.

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首先,你要找到一个可以交谈的人。这个人必须是你信任的人,一个你可以自在讲知心话的人。The first step is finding someone you can talk to. This needs to be someone you can trust and someone who you can speak freely to in confidence.

“我但愿我能使我亲爱的堂弟相信,”路易以极其诚挚的、像说知心话的口吻对答道,“我已经说得上是个彻头彻尾的弗兰德人了。”"I cannot, " answered Louis, in a tone of the most sincere confidence, "be more so than I am already, could I but bring you, my dear cousin, to believe it.

你是否能让我在回忆起现在时相信我生活中最后的一番知心话是保存在你那纯洁真诚的心胸里的,它将在那儿独自存在,不会让任何人知道?Willyou let me believe, when I recall this day, that the last confidenceof my life was reposed in your pure and innocent breast, and that itlies there alone, and will be shared by no one?