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我必须把拉丁语重温一下。I must brush up on my Latin.

重温小游戏和谜题!Replay mini-games and puzzles!

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杰米重温了他祖父的一生。Jimmy relives his granddad's life.

他重温青年时期的往事。He mused over memories of his youth.

重温你与自行车的故事……Review your story related to bicycles.

它们能帮助我们重温历史。They help us reconnect with our history.

我把相爱的一切当作一个美好的梦来重温。I love all as a wonderful dream come again.

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听过的可以重温一次。So those of you who have, can hear it again.

重温这些自虐的单身时光吧!Relive those times of self-inflicted celibacy!

相反,我则在不断试图重温我的孩提时代。I, in turn, kept trying to relive my childhood.

你都可在自己的小荧幕上重温。You just always review on your old little screen.

他知道,他是在请求许多人重温恶梦。He knew he was asking many to revisit a nightmare.

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但是像这种既使人心情振奋又重温文学之路的远足好像并不多见。But there are few more exhilarating literary treks.

我在思想上不断地重温着那决定不幸命运的日子。I relived that fateful day over and over in my mind.

我真希望旧梦重温,每年都拿冠军。I just want to feel like that again, year after year.

他重温了自己年轻时当水手的经历。He lived over again his experiences as a young sailor.

在我的脑海中我不断重温那愉快的往日。I relived those happy old days over and over in my mind.

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分配出时间来重温召唤你的目标。Allocate time to reconnect with your purpose and calling.

我想和她重温旧情,但我不会低三下四求她的。I want to get back with her. But I'm not going to grovel.

他闭上双眼,我不知道他是在祈祷,还是在重温那悲惨的一幕,难以想象的悲惨。It felt like I was reliving a scene from a grade-B movie.