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五条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。Five dragon swam in between, leisurely and sea.

两条龙游弋于云海之间,悠然自得。The two dragons swam in between, leisurely and sea.

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曾经在悠然自得的坐在树荫下剥花生。Happily enjoyed peanuts on the benches under the shades.

海豹在陆地上很笨拙,但在水中却悠然自得。Seals are very awkward on land, but graceful in the water.

远方,那一片红云悠然自得缓缓飘离。Distance, that a red clouds slowly drifting away leisurely.

韩佳,你看那些野鸭子那么悠然自得!Han Jia, look what a leisurely time those wild ducks are having!

伦纳德在温室里悠然自得地给西红柿绑上撑杆。Leonard pottered round the greenhouse, tying up canes for the tomatoes.

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原汁原味的藤材,可以在家中营造出一派悠然自得的氛围。Authentic Rattan, you can create at home, school of laid-back atmosphere.

再到废墟中徒步旅行时就不会象过去一样悠然自得。And poking around in ruins would never be quite the same enjoyable pastime.

这样悠然自得的思想是AIDS为什么会持续长时期的又一原因。Such complacency is one more reason why AIDS will persist for a very 1ong time.

这个表演者躺在马的头尾之间就象在家里那样悠然自得。The performer seemed quite at home anywhere between a horse's head and its tail.

当我的朋友们在寒假期间忙着提交多达18份申请书的时候,我悠然自得。While my friends spent winter vacation finishing as many as 18 applications each, I relaxed.

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当周围的世界发生变化,西班牙人还能继续享受他们悠然自得的生活吗?Can the Spanish continue to enjoy their wonderful lifestyles as the world changes around them?

要身体充分享受快乐,先要精神上悠然自得,心无挂虑。In order to be physically happy to the full, you must first feel at ease and be free of worry.

生活在这个快节奏的时代里,人们很难再体验古人的那种悠然自得了。Living in the fast-tempo society, it is difficult for people to feel ancient people's leisure.

不论工作、学习、休息都能心宁气定,悠然自得。No matter the job, study, rest can heart tranquil energy of life is decided, carefree and content.

真正的艺术家是狂放不羁的,它自由自在,悠然自得地在自己个性的川流中畅游。The true artist lets himself go. He is natural. He "swims easily in the stream of his own temperament."

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就在一分钟之前,她还在悠然自得地听他说话,未忘旧情。Only a moment before she had been listening with some complacency, remembering her old affection for him.

当布鲁诺晚上和周未在吊床上悠然自得时,柏波罗却还在继续挖他的管道。When Bruno evenings and weekends in the hammock carefree and content, Bobo Luo still continue to dig his pipe.

当他们将自己成打的马群绑在那些围栏上后就悠然自得地在街上闲逛起来。They strolled about the streets, while their little shaggy ponies were tied by the dozens along fences and rails.