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早市旁边的厕所总是不干净。The john by the morning market is always dirty.

逛早市已成为许多北京人的习惯。Many people in Peking have made morning shopping a hobby.

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逛早市已成为许多北京人的习惯。One morning stroll already became a lot of Beijing's habits.

在东京市场早市开盘时,美元对日元的比价急剧下跌。In early trading in Tokyo, the dollar fell sharply against the yen.

这个下岗工人在早市上支起了一个菜摊。The laid-off worker set up a vegetable stall in the morning market.

袭击发生时,市场上早市购物者熙熙攘攘。The attack took place as the market was thronged with morning shoppers.

那是在一个早晨,我和我的母亲一起去了早市卖水果。It was in a morning that I went to morning market with my mother, selling fruit.

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本试验采取随机区组,就不同修剪时期和不同修剪深度对早市茶的品质影响作出了探讨。The effect of different pruning date and depth on early marked tea quality was studied.

胡学兵正赶往县城,他要在早市上卖掉今天的豆腐。Hu Xuebing is on his way to the county town. He needs to sell his tofu at the morning market.

三期有七八年得历史了,加上以前得早市,应该有十几年了。Three have seven or eight years too old, get with the previous morning, there should be ten years.

由于欧洲进一步银行救市行动的利好刺激,亚洲市场早市开盘走高。Asian markets opened on the rise this morning as they took to the news of further bank bailouts in Europe.

交通很便利,周围学校有108,六中,52中房对过有公园有早市。Communication is easy, around school has 108, 6 in, 52 medium there is a park to have early city on the room.

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当人们都以为早市得货便宜实惠时,就有人扎堆进去,混水摸鱼。When people are cheap affordable goods that morning was when some people get together and go fish in troubled waters.

当你清晨醒来的时候,外面一片寂静,只有纳西妇女的谈话声,或是早市开始忙活了。As you wake in the morning it is all quiet bar the chatter of two Naxi women, or perhaps it's the morning market I can hear coming to life?

当我们从毛茛黄色的巴士上下来时正值早市,卖肉的屠夫们在他们的红色小卡车里吹响喇叭,招徕村民。As we step off the buttercup yellow bus, butchers in their little red trucks are making their morning rounds, calling to the villagers with their horns.

沿著闪烁的乌节路可以作早市的逛街,在小印度或中国城享受午餐,在新加坡动物园里可以日以继夜跟著旅行团逛。Spend the morning shopping along glitzy Orchard Road, enjoy lunch in Little India or Chinatown, and finish the day with a night safari at the Singapore Zoo.

十三行所谓得早市,在老街那边,每天五点就开了,有很多四乡客拿货赶回去开档。Thirteen was the so-called morning in the streets over there, five on the opening day, there are many customers getting goods back to the four townships will open.

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以我的小侄子为例,他总是在妈妈从早市买菜回来的时候,帮助妈妈拖箱子,这和父母的指导和教育是紧密相联的。Take my young nephew for example, he always help mother lug the heavy box every time they bought vegetables from the morning fair, which is closely related to parent's guidance and education.