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然后他们就开始洗刷墙壁。Then they'll start scrubbing the walls.

使洗刷和做饭也变成沉思。Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.

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有些罪恶,不能洗刷,只能补赎。Some evil, can not wash, can only be redeemed.

帮我把这些马洗刷干净,好让它们参加今晚的演出。Help me to groom the horses for the show tonight.

除了洗刷汽车之外,我们的女仆人什么都做。Our housemaid does everything except wash the car.

他说它并未因此而洗刷掉我的罪孽。Yes, he agreed, but it hadn't absolved me from my sin.

“洗刷水果和蔬菜要用冷的自来水”。Wash off fruits and vegetables with cool running water.

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共和国,她洗刷了百年耻辱。Republic, she was scrubbing a hundred years of humiliation.

我不倦地行走去洗刷跑马洛克的涟漪。As I walk'd where the ripples continually wash you Paumanok.

爷孙俩晚饭后一起洗刷盘子。Together the old man and the young boy washed the supper dishes.

根特抵达科洛桑两天后,就为阿克巴洗刷了罪名。Two days after his arrival on Coruscant, Ghent had Ackbar cleared.

孢子体普遍大小为8~16列时是开始进行洗刷的最佳时期。It's the best period to flush sporophytes when they reach 8-16 lie.

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清洗刷由钝性头部、毛刷部分、细长的钢丝部分和手柄组成。By blunt head cleaning brush, brush of slender steel wire, and handle.

碗碟锅盆都得自己洗刷,在油腻的盆上和锅子底儿上她磨坏了她那玫瑰色的手指甲。She washed the dishes using her rosy nails on the greasy pots and pans.

每片树叶,每块砖瓦乃至一叶小草,都被洗刷一新,闪闪发光。Every leaf, brick, shingle and blade of grass is fresh-washed and shining.

即使这些甲级战犯死一万遍也不能洗刷他们的罪恶。Executing these war criminals 10,000 times would not atone for their sins.

没什么要洗刷的,什么斑点都没有,丝毫血迹都没有。There was nothing to wash out -no stain of any kind -no blood spot whatever.

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俄罗斯在洗刷前苏联瓦解之后所蒙受的屈辱。And Russia is making up for past humiliations after the collapse of the USSR.

多余的生物生长将被洗刷掉,移入沉淀池。Excessive biological growth washes off the packing and is removed in a clarifier.

这件事真的永久的改变了我的人生,我永远都不能洗刷掉这一耻辱”。It's something that's changed my life forever and I'll never be able to erase it.