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我觉得头晕眼花。I feel dizzy.

它使贝西头晕眼花。It made Bessie dizzy.

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“头晕眼花”这个词念起来很好玩。"Groggy" is a fun word to say.

当头一击把他打得头晕眼花。The blow on the head dazed him.

其他的人说这种声音会让人恶心和头晕眼花。Others say it induces nausea and dizziness.

而反之,我就会感觉有点头晕眼花。If I don’t quite hit REM, I may feel a bit groggy.

我老是感到耳鸣和头晕眼花。I've kept getting a roaring in my ears and giddiness.

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谈判者又经过一次通宵会谈,似乎都已头晕眼花。The negotiators seemed punch-drunk after another all-night session.

是我头晕眼花了还是这架飞机真的在以昆虫的方式飞行?。Am I koo-koo-kachoo, or is this plane flying in an insect-like pattern?

轮船的起伏让她头晕眼花,她斜靠在扶手上。The heaving of the ship made her dizzy and she leanedagainst the handrail.

或许你会突然感到头晕眼花,也可能感到你的胃不大舒服。You might suddenly feel lightheaded . You might often feel sick to your stomach.

于是我拿起昨天的晚报,但是那些报纸上的字让我头晕眼花。So I picked up yesterday's evening paper. But those words on newspaper made me dizzy.

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鼓动有力的翅膀的雄鹰有时尚会重重地跌到地面上,它们呼呼振动翅膀的声音使我们头晕眼花。The eagles who flapped their mighty pinions for a while came crashing heavily to earth.

有可能的副作用包括头晕眼花,头疼,疲劳和血压降低。Possible side effects include dizziness, headache, fatigue, and a lowering of blood pressure.

遭到这恍若幻觉的突然打击,她觉得头晕眼花,虚弱无力。She felt faint, assailed as she was by the sudden suspicion that everything she saw was unreal.

但如果是被从深度睡眠中唤醒,那恰恰相反,你会觉得头晕眼花。But if you wake up during another phase of sleep such as delta sleep, you’ll feel groggy or drowsy.

另有几名目击证人说好几次杰克逊从克莱因医生那边回来后,去“这就是它”排练现场,他看上去头晕眼花。Several witnesses said Jackson would arrive at some This Is It rehearsals woozy after seeing Klein.

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杰克深深吸了一口气,差点被浓烟呛得窒息,他本来还以为眼前那层烟雾是自己头晕眼花所致。Jack took a deep breath and almost gagged on the thick smoke he'd thought for a moment was just his hazy vision.

头晕眼花是风偏重的症象,是风元素被激发的症象。Giddiness or lightheadedness is a sign of too much wind property, a sign that the wind property has been provoked.

老板要我提高销售额,所以最近几个礼拜一直在熬夜工作。太累了,累得头晕眼花的。I was asked to promote the sales volumn and had been staying late at work for weeks that made me so tired and dazzling.