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你还懂风水啊?You understand geomancy?

用风水来增加你的活力。Boost your energy with feng shui.

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指南针首先是风水先生发明和使用的。First compass was invented and marriages.

这里的风水就是好。The geomantic omen here is just fantastic.

风水其实没有一些人想象的那样玄乎。It isn't all mumbo jumbo as some people think.

居家摆设的风水阵有几种?。How many types of Fengshui formations are there?

通常,风水还与占数学的原理结合起来使用。It is often combined with elements of numerology.

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村里一座古朴的风水墙帮村民们留住这里的好风水。Thee plain Fengshui Wall wishes villagers good luck.

先让风水先生看好土地,选好日子才能葬下去。Geomancer let good land, a good election can be buried.

中国人通常依靠什么看“风水”?What do Chinese people often use to observe "Fengshui"?

风水文化是中国传统文化的一部分。Geomantic culture is a part of Chinese traditional culture.

怎么才知道你家的风水好不好?How do you know if the feng shui in your home is good or not?

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你告诉你的父母,你们家原来的房子风水不好。You told your parents, the Fengshui of your house is not good.

有些迷信的人说这栋房子的风水不好。Some superstitious people say that the house's feng-shui is bad.

坐北朝南代表顶天立地,财运亨通,风水好。Facing south on behalf of the sky, many fortunes, good Feng Shui.

风水是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。Fengshui is an important component of Chinese traditional culture.

销售公司与风水相关的服务,电子书和课程。To sell company's Feng Shui related Services, E-Books and Courses.

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召开学术研讨会,探求杨公风水的真缔。Convene a seminar, investigate the true Di of Yang Gong's geomancy.

另外一些酒店则把客房中的床从窗户边移开,说这是为了考虑“风水”。Others were moving beds away from windows, as dictated by feng-shui.

那是七月的最后一天,风水师父说是个吉祥的日子。It is the last day of qi yue and our geomancer says it is auspicious.