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当然它们也非常赏心悦目。Also very pretty.

应聘者必须拥有令人赏心悦目的体型。Must have pleasant nature.

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海天一色的蔚蓝真是赏心悦目。Blue sky and sea is really pleasant.

金光闪闪,同样是赏心悦目。Golden Rays is also very attractive.

这是一种自由自在,令人赏心悦目的生活。It was a commodious and a diverting life.

放在刀架上一观令人赏心悦目。The "on the rack" view in all it's glory.

对中立者而言这是一场赏心悦目的比赛。It was a good game to watch for the neutrals.

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好了,一起来进入我们今天的赏心悦目大饱眼福吧。Well, let's move on to today's Feast for the Eyes.

恩迪米恩说“美好的事物永远都是赏心悦目的”。"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" said Endymion.

宫殿内的洛可可式装饰风格赏心悦目。The Rococo decoration inside the palace is delightful.

这次中国之行令我赏心悦目并且收获很大。My trip to China has been both enjoyable and productive.

哎,那也要到我们的赏心悦目中去欣赏。Yeah, but we have to enjoy it in the Feast for the Eyes.

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小屋外观的其他部分更赏心悦目。Other parts of the Hood's exterior are more prepossessing.

唐布拉草原的风景真是令人赏心悦目啊。The scenic Tangbula Grassland is really an enjoyable sight.

不仅如此,雅致的点缀还使得这些小菜非常之赏心悦目呢!Elegant garnishes make these dishes pleasing to the eye, too.

我爱麦迪,纯粹的得分手,看他打球真是赏心悦目。God I love T-Mac. Just a pure scorer and just fun guy to watch.

删除键让我们的收藏更容易管理、更赏心悦目。The delete button keeps our collection manageable and enjoyable.

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一簇簇二三十层的楼群气势磅礴,赏心悦目。Clusters of 20 to 30-storey buildings are magnificent and pleasing.

这一部分赏心悦目的花儿真美,它们没有一处瑕疵。These blessed fdowns were perfect. They don't HAs a pernal blemish.

这两位真的是如胶似漆,而同框的画风也真的是非常赏心悦目的。They really stick like glue, and the picture is perfectly pleasing.