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他把我们带到他家。He led us to his home.

我带着花去他家。Voy a su casa con flores.

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他家就在我家对面。His house is opposite mine.

他家的羊都被狼给吃了。His sheep are eaten by wolf.

他邀请了我们去他家聚会。He had us around for a party.

方才我到他家去了。I went to his place just now.

血友病是他家的遗传。Hemophilia runs in his family.

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他家的人都是热心肠。His family are all kindhearted.

布鲁托在他家的厨房里。Pluto's at home in the kitchen.

强盗们砸开了他家的大门闯了进去。The robber break open his house.

强盗们砸开了他家的大门闯了进去。The robber broke open his house.

那场大火把他家烧光了。The big fire burned up his house.

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我在回来的路上趁便去他家看了看。I dropped in on him on my way home.

在他家母亲是一家之长。Mother is the master of his family.

或者小偷从他家里把硬盘偷走了怎么办?Or a thief stoles them from his home?

他家人口多,用度大。He has a big family and many expenses.

我决定去他家逛一逛。I decided to go to his house go round.

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请告诉我们他家在哪里。Please inform us how to find his house.

他家的组合音响音质超棒!His hi-fi set has super acoustic quality.

这个星期六我会带你去他家。I'll take him to your place this Saturday.