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他断然否认自己有罪。He stoutly denied his guilt.

他的请求遭到了断然拒绝。His application was snubbed.

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但他们断然古雅。But they were decidedly quaint.

别人的意见——我断然拒绝。For man's opinion -- I defy it.

他们的建议全被断然拒绝了。All their proposals were rebuffed.

他的断然拒绝使我心灰意懒。His rebuff thoroughly deflated me.

她断然拒绝了他的求婚。She repulsed his offer of marriage.

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“你一定有某些想法吧”他断然地说道"You must have somethought!" he snaps.

诸葛亮决定对孟获采取“攻心”战,断然释放孟获。So Zhuge Liang decide to release Meng Huo.

“没有一句真话,”马弗尔断然说道。"Not a word of it, " said Marvel , stoutly.

她认为那个主意不可能而断然拒绝考虑。She flatly dismissed the idea as impossible.

但是大臣们断然拒绝了这一提议。But ministers flatly turned down the proposal.

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我不能断然地说,他是错了。I could not say for certain that he was wrong.

我们断然否认这种无理指责。We categorically reject this groundless charge.

不过你所看见的并不断然是你所得到的。But what you saw was decidedly not what you got.

私家侦探断然地摇了摇头。The house detective shook his head emphatically.

侦探长断然地摇了摇头。The house detective shook his head emphatically.

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“我们不能撂下斯努皮,”约迪断然说道。“We can't go without Snoopy,”Jodi stated flatly.

“我们不能撂下斯努皮,”约迪断然说道。"We can't go without Snoopy, "Jodi stated flatly.

“是为了钱男人家才娶她们的,”嬷嬷断然说。"Men mahys dem fer dey money, " said Mammy firmly.