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请把字写得工整些,以便我能认识。Please write neatly so that I can ead it.

所有提名表格必须工整书写或用打字机填写。All entries should be legibly written or typewritten.

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那封信打字工整清晰,行间留一行距离,切中要点。It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point.

如果你是手写答案,请字迹工整。If you hand-write your responses, please write legibly.

给些句子填空,然后工整地抄写下来。Fill the blanks in there sentences, then write them neatly.

地图工的色彩比历史学家的要更工整。More delicate than the historians' are the map-makers' colors.

把句子中的空添上,然后工整的抄写下来。You fill the blanks in these sentences, then write them neatly.

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冷战都结束了,这帮老鬼的激情怎么还那么工整?The Cold War are over, the gang Lao Gui's passion is also so neat how?

这首诗的第一节和第二节的音节对仗工整。The first and second stanzas of this poem parallel with each other neatly.

在那里,就在那块白板上,写着一行十位数字,字迹小巧工整。There, on the whiteboard, was a ten-digit number written in a small, neat hand.

机器加工之后再由人工磨车一遍。使其更工整光亮顺滑。After machine cutting, hand cutting and polishing would make the edge more nice and smooth.

敦煌城内设坊,每坊布局工整,坊与坊之间以大小街道隔开,纵横交错,路网发达。In the city of Dunhuang, there are Fang. Between Fang and Fang there are separated by cross.

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其最大的卖点就是晶体之纯净与切割之华丽工整。The biggest selling point of crystal is not only in the purity, but also in the gorgeous cut.

该算法可对书写工整的汉字进行有效笔划提取。This algorithm can extract handwritten Chinese characters stroke for formal Chinese characters.

它字数多少不限,但要求对偶工整,平仄协调。It is the number of words is not restricted, but the requirement antithesis neat, tonal harmony.

在质量上,她不许我们有错别字,在书写上,她要求我们字迹工整,卷面整洁。On quality, she forbade us to have wrong character, in writing, she asked us write neatly and neatness.

材料放卷,成型过程的输送采用无级调整控制。材料张力稳定、产品成型工整。Rewinding and molding of products are of step-less speed controller with stable tension and trim molding.

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形体结构比金文工整,开始摆脱象形的拘束,打下了方块汉字的基础。Clementi neat body structure than to start from the growing number of bound and laid the basis for box characters.

对联对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。Antithetical couplet antithesis neat, tonal harmony, the word is the sound of a Chinese language and unique art form.

诗、词、曲、赋、骈文,乃至散文、戏剧、小说,那一样中又没有工整的对偶句呢?Poems, songs, Fu, parallel prose, even prose, drama, fiction, and that there is no neat, like in the dual sentence do?