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孕期可不可以吃大杏仁呢?Pregnancy can eat big almond?

准父母健康是孕期健康的关键。Parental health is key to a healthy pregnancy.

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在孕期,CRH水平也是公认会飙升的。CRH levels are also known to soar during pregnancy.

在孕期的头两个三周里,一切进展顺利。For the first two trimesters, things went smoothly.

这些都是进行中受孕期的征候。These are the symptoms of pregnancy in the subject.

孕期尿碘变化呈孕中期略低。The urine iodine in mid-pregnancy was relatively low.

所以请不要给孕期的母犬补充额外的钙质。Give not a shred of extra calcium to the gestating bitch.

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预防孕期贫血应从孕早期开始。Anemia prevention should be initiated from early pregnancy.

在前些年,我们告诉孕期妇女她们要吃双份。In previous years, we've told women that they were eating for two.

如今,"每一位来做孕期检查的人都接受检测。Now “everybody is tested when they walk in for a prenatal checkup.

在孕期的九个月中母子俩密切相连。The two are intimately connected during the nine months of pregnancy.

所以孕妇一定要在孕期注意补碘。So the pregnant woman must expect to note revamp iodination in the Yun.

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孕期及生产次数与慢性下腰痛及颈肩痛之间未发现有联系。No positie associations were found for current pregnancy and number of children.

如果你在正常体重范围内怀孕,那么在孕期体重会增加25-35英镑。If you start pregnancy at a normal weight, expect to add between 25 to 35 pounds.

目的了解正常孕期糖基化血红蛋白值的正常值。Objective To understand the normal value of glycosylated hemoglobin in pregnancy.

目前并没有精确的筛选检查能认定存在孕期风险的妇女。At present there is no accurate screening test available to identify women at risk.

出生窒息、孕期感染和双胎与GMFCS无关。Asphyxia at birth, infection during pregnancy and twins do not correlate with GMFCS.

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在孕期,它可以很好的按摩肚皮,按摩会阴以及滋润干燥肌肤。It worked great during pregnancy for a belly oil, perineal massage and any dry skin.

在孕期,不服用任何抗癫痫药物的妇女不在研究之列。Women who were not taking any antiepileptic drugs during pregnancywere not included.

孕期增重过多、孕前体质指数过高是孕妇分娩巨大儿的危险因素。Effects on macrosomia were pregnancy more weight gain and higher BMI before pregnancy.