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价格方面,盛泽一主流工厂承兑贴息下调。Price, Sheng a major fall in factory acceptance discount.

贴息等税费降低措施能否带火楼市?Interest tax and measures to reduce the possibility of bringing out the market?

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第三部分,我国学生贷款财政贴息的现状。Part three is about the situation and problems of interest-subsidy in our country.

许多国家的学生贷款的贴息技术呈现多元化,以供不同类型的学生选择。Different technology of the interest-subsidy is for different group of the student.

投资补助和贴息资金均为无偿投入。The provision of investment subsidies and interest discount funds shall be gratuitous.

第一部分,学生贷款财政贴息的理论分析。Part one is the theoretical research on the fiscal interest-subsidy of the student loan.

对弄虚作假的项目,国家农发办有权终止或收回该项目的贴息资金。NACDO has the right to end or recall the discount interest funds of the projects that employ trickery.

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为符合条件的企业代为办理进口贴息资金申报工作是商宇律师事务所的一项服务项目。And Shangyu law firm is providing commission service for competent enterprises to declare for import discount interest.

包括,建立财政借款制度、财政贴息制度、贷款损失准备金制度以及资本金补充制度等。Such as, set up the fiscal loan system, fiscal interest deduction system, loan loss provisions system and capital increasing system.

有关市民每年凭贴息结算处的书面通知,携带相关资料到贴息结算处或各区县代理点办理年度审核手续。Office written notice, bring relevant information to the district offices or interest clearing agent point for the annual audit procedures.

通过前期费用补助、国内贷款贴息、优先组织安排进口等方式,鼓励省内企业以合资、合作、并购等多种方式进行境外开发。These effective measures will give a push for Liaoning's enterprises to develop abroad by means of joint ventures, cooperation and mergers.

运用财政贴息、税收等手段,引导企业调整结构,兼并重组。The government-funded interest discount and tax tools are designed to encourage the restructuring, merger and reorganization of enterprises.

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并按照预算管理程序要求,下达项目贴息资金预算。It shall also, pursuant to the procedures for budgetary management, distribute the budget of interest-subsidy funds for the project concerned.

采用投资补助、转贷和贷款贴息方式的,只审批资金申请报告。As to projects in involving investment subsidy, loan transfer and low-interest loans, only the fund application report is subject to examination.

对使用中长期银行贷款投资的公益性项目,优先申请省财政贷款贴息。The public welfare investment project with middle or long-term bank loans also have the priority to apply for the provincial finance loans discount.

公积金贷款贴息政策,惠及对象是申请公积金贷款的低收入职工。The common reserve fund loan deducted interest policy, the benefit and the object are the low income staff who applies for the common reserve fund loan.

并于每年年底向国家农发办报告贴息项目的执行情况和贴息资金的落实情况。They should also report to NACDO the situation of implementing discount interest project and finalizing discount interest funds at the end of every year.

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努力协调相关部门,争取退税资金及时到位,按现年出口额测算给予约40万元人民币退税托管帐户贷款贴息。Trying to push the relevant government organizations to return the tax refund in time. And setting up a credit account of RMB400,000 according the existing exporting sum amount.

阐述了林业贷款中央财政贴息资金管理系统的实现过程和方法。This paper mainly focused on an engineering project on the design and development of the management information system for central financial discount interest funds for forestry.

比较可行的措施之一是运用财政贴息方式支持政策性融资,变直接投入为间接拉动与协调引导。One of the most effective measures is to put to use the finance discount to support the policy financing and convert the direct investment to indirect pushing power and cooperation.