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玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。Mary was slightly made up.

他稍稍一瞥,景物尽收眼底。His glance embraced the scene.

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我们可以稍稍疯狂一点,即便有点像个小丑也没关系。Free to be a bit wild. Even zany.

我要稍稍修一下跟烫发。I'd like a light trim and a perm.

所以让我们来稍稍看一下这段代码。So let's take a look at it for second.

但是篮圈允许骑士队稍稍挽回点颜面。But that hoop allowed the Cavs to cover.

只是她的那条线稍稍偏左了一点。Hers was just a little more to the left.

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我稍稍有点醉意,回到艾米莉姨妈家。I returned to Aunt Emily slightly oiled.

这话稍稍有些繁冗,但方向是对的。Slightly clunky, but on the right track.

人生是一场稍稍不那么无常的梦而已。Life is a dream a little less inconstant.

通常它在领口上方稍稍凸出。Normally it bulged a bit over his collar.

我们需要稍稍改变我们的规则。We need to change our rules just slightly.

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乔朝门稍稍移动了一下。Joe made a slight movement toward the door.

那以后我的运气稍稍好了一点。My fortunes have improved a bit since then.

他母亲说话的声音稍稍拖长一下。His mother was speaking with a slight drawl.

这只脾气稍稍有些古怪的绿色怪物第四次出现在了我们的眼前。The fourth outing for the grumpy green ogre.

你还可以在答复之前稍稍等一等。And you can also wait a bit before acquiescing.

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我稍稍捏了一只柠檬,柠檬汁自然而然地就滴下。I put the squeeze on a lemon and it soon juiced.

捞出稍稍放凉,剥皮并切小块。Drain and cool slightly, peel and cut into cubes.

稍稍提示下我们这个课要怎么继续下去。That's by way of sort of where the class is going.