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句子要短,短小的词比长词好,单音节的词是最佳选择。Monosyllabic words are best.

我爱写短小的故事。I love to write short stories.

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当时的剑剑身短小。The sword sword blade was short.

伟大的灵魂常寓于短小的驱体。A little body often harbors a great soul.

使用短小的句子和短小的段落。Use short sentences and short paragraphs.

另一种是短小超薄型。Another kind is smallish and ultrathin model.

这就是你可以编写短小的代码。And that's so you can write small pieces of code.

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这个短小的故事是关于一只被关在鸟笼子里的小鸟的。This is a short story about a bird in a birdcage.

米奇说,“她也不让我穿短小的滑冰服。She wouldn’t let me wear a short skating dress either.

一头欧洲野牛的脑袋相当短小但胡须却很长。An auroch`s head is rather short but with a long beard.

人们总是设想所有的测试应该短小快速。The assumption that all tests should be trivial and quick.

不裁耳应该是短小的玫瑰耳或半折耳。Uncropped ears should be short and held rose or half prick.

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方法是如此的短小,在他们看来简直言之无物。Methods are so short that they often seem without substance.

用短促的时间,跨越短小的空间,一段又一段。A very short space of time through very short times of space.

这样可以保持映射文件的短小,而且容易阅读。This practice keeps the mapping files short and easy to read.

他有一丛浓密的小胡子,还有一条短小的山羊胡子往外卷着。He had a big moustache, and a short beard that curled outwards.

我有灵活,圆圆的身躯,突出的脸和短小的腿。I have a cute, round body, a pointed face and short, little legs.

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在日常工作中,你用什么“笨而短小的检查列表”了吗?What "stupid little checklists" do you use in your everyday work?

接着,他将其数码化,拼接成一个短小的纪录片。He then digitised it and spliced it together into a short documentary.

那些贵族主们一身打猎行头打扮,短小的紫色紧身衣和黑色的长筒袜。The lords wore their hunting gear—short purple doublets and black hose.