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模拟石英机芯。Quartz analog movement.

瑞士制造的石英机芯。Swiss-made quartz movement.

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泰国当地高纯度的石英矿。High purity local Quartz, 3.

脉石矿物主要是石英。Gangue mineral is primarily quartz.

这是一个负照顾石英挂钟。This is a Care Bear quartz wall clock.

临沂市月航石英玻璃有限公司。Linyi city yuehang quartz glass co. ltd.

矿物主要为石英。Its mineral is composed mainly of quartz.

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主要载金矿物是褐铁矿和石英。Gold are mainly hosted in limonite and quartz.

金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型。Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type.

一种由石英和云母构成的花岗石。A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.

而石英相含量则有相反的影响。However, the quartz content showed contrary effects.

填加无机耐热填料石英粉。Inorganic filler, such as quartz powder, was filled.

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亚力桑那州,天堂谷,石英山居。Quartz Mountain Residence, Paradise Valley, Arizona.

石英是原生金银矿物的主要载体矿物。Quartz is main carrier mineral of primary Au and Ag.

真相?一块石英?只一次,便成永远。Truth? A pebble of quartz? For once, then, something.

矿化类型为石英脉型和蚀变岩型。Mineralization types are quartz vein and altered rock.

杂质少,是高品位的优质石英矿。Fewer impurities, the quality is high-grade quartz ore.

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石英是金矿床主要的脉石矿物。Quartz is a primary gangue mineral of the gold deposit.

石英岩和岩盐的热导率最高。Quartzes and rock salt have the highest conductivities.

黄壤则主要含高岭石和石英。While yellow soils mainly contain kaolinite and quartz.