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一则他曾是中国外交部发言人,是外交部出镜率最高的几个人之一,不仅部内外知名度高,在中国青年人中还有众多“粉丝”。I hear that he has lots of fans in China.

籍着观察它们于你身心内外的影响。By watching their influence in you and on you.

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销售海事用舷外和舷内外机。Promote sales of marine outboard &sterndrive engines.

乳胶漆、内外墙涂料、生产、销售。Rujiaoqi , within walls paint , production , marketing.

我司是一家专业的内外销玩具公司。We are a specialised exporter of various kinds of toys.

细胞内外见红染的包涵体。Eosinophilic inclusions were showed in or out the cells.

将花椒盐擦匀鸭身内外,腌过夜。Rub Sichuan peppercorn onto duck. Marinate it overnight.

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她不只代表了意大利声乐的极致,在歌剧世界内外,都是名伶中的天后。In the opera world and beyond, she was the diva of divas.

小小的舞台布置在酒店的内内外外。Small stages are planned inside and outside of the hotel.

内外合力一起催化了布什主义的形成。Both of them contribute to the emergence of Bush Doctrine.

实际上,女用避孕套也可以内外润滑。Reality female condoms are also lubricated inside and out.

毎天更换乾净衣服与袜子,不穿湿或未乾的内外衣裤睡觉。Change your clothes everyday. Don't wear wet clothes to bed.

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非洲内外的许多批评者认为,这是一种新殖民主义行径。Critics inside and outside Africa say it is neo-colonialism.

谢导的死讯在影视圈内外都引起了轩然大波。His sudden death shocked not only those in the film circles.

气质是内外兼修的美丽。Temperament is the work internally and externally beautiful.

除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside.

谢导的死讯在影视圈内外都引起了轩然大波。His sudden death shocked not only those in the film circles.

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内外兼修,成就中国地产界“梦之队”的荣耀。Omnifarious develop, win "dream-team" of Chinese real estate.

楼的内外各有水井一口。Inside and outside the building, there is a well respectively.

我还以那些在罚球线内外跑动的家伙们自豪。But I was proud of our guys, I mean right up and down the line.