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中国纯种汉人已经绝迹。Pure-blood Chinese Han ethnicity vanishes.

那场大火使森林里的鸟兽濒临绝迹。The fire had depleted the game in the forest.

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那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌.The extinct exotic bird’s feather contains zinc.

这一版的书在市面上早已绝迹.This edition has been unobtainable for a long time.

阿姆斯特拉普说,其余的大多数北极熊到2100年可能也将绝迹。Most of the rest polar bears might disappear by 2100.

那种传染病早已绝迹。That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out.

当唯一的继承人死去了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies any son.

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黑死病、猩红热和小儿麻痹症,以往的这些疾病,现在已经从地球上绝迹了吗?Polio. Diseases of the past, and no longer on this Earth, right?

淡水生物正从地球上绝迹,这种消亡的速度比陆地和海洋中的生物更快。Freshwater animals are vanishing faster than those on land or at sea.

当唯一的继承人死去了之后没儿子,那这个姓就要绝迹了。A family name becomes defunct when the only heir dies without any son.

如果过多地屠杀这些稀有动物,它们很快就会绝迹。If too many of these rare animals are killed, their kind will die out.

侏儒兔绝迹于2008年,即在本照片拍摄后的几个月。Bryn the pygmy rabbit died in 2008, months after this photograph was made.

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绝迹的灵感在于希望有设计一个能够提升科学兴趣的游戏。The inspiration for Vanished came as a project to promote interest in science.

我们应该保护像黑面琵鹭这种鸟类免于绝迹。We should preserve the species such as black-faced spoonbills from extinction.

在彻底绝迹之前,大型双门轿跑一直是车市的王者。But before they became extinct, big coupes were kings of the automotive jungle.

这意味着,由于受到环境的压力,软珊瑚会最终绝迹。This means that soft corals simply vanish in response to environmental stresses.

东汉时,空心砖骤然减少,终至绝迹。When to Eastern Han Dynasty, the hollow brick reduces suddenly, results in vanishes.

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设计小队在设计绝迹时融入了灵活性以适应玩家的习惯。The team has designed Vanished with the flexibility to adapt to the players' behavior.

这儿气候温和、空气新鲜、民风纯朴、罪行绝迹,具备一切令人向往的东西,是你最理想的地点。Warm weather, clean air, nice people, no crime, everything! The perfect place for you!

因此,部分学者认为自“会昌灭佛”之后,景教已绝迹于中华大地。So, some scholars hold the idea that Nestorianism vanished in China after the incident.