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此时传来一声喊叫,似乎一个男人叫喊着闹市大街的沙丁鱼。Now a cry sounded, as of a man calling pilchards in a main street.

潜居闹市,安享静巷名门的诗意生活。Habitat busy submarine, to enjoy a quiet alley door of poetic life.

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就在此刻,一辆开往闹市的电车风驰电掣而来,铃声震耳。At that second a trolley came hurtling by, heading downtown, its bell clanging loud.

而茶,好似心灵的瑜伽,带我远离浮华的闹市,去那清新的桃源。Tea, like heart yoga, take me away from the glitz of the downtown, to the fresh Taoyuan.

周围闹市的嘈杂声只能隐约地听到。偶然传来一声钟声,像音乐一样悠远。The hum of the surrounding city was faint, the clang of an occasional bell was as music.

漫步于繁华的街头,想于闹市中寻找一丝宁静、一丝温暖。Walking in the bustling streets, to find a trace in a quiet downtown, a trace of warmth.

然而,这一方案的花费要比改善闹市步行广场的花费多。However, this project would cost more than it would to improve the downtown pedestrian plaza.

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以行动支持无车日,骑上零排放的单车,畅游香港岛闹市,请参加无车日单车行!Show your support for Car Free Day with a zero-carbon ride through downtown Hong Kong Island.

位于铜锣湾的心脏地带,是闹市中偷閒的最好去处。Located in the center of Causeway Bay, it is the most convenient hideaway from this hectic city.

在闹市,霓虹被一个逝去的时代所珍重,现在已经尘埃沉沉地在储存在一个名为霓虹赌场里。Downtown, neon treasures from a bygone era were stored in a dusty field called the Neon Boneyard.

是一家意大利高级西餐厅,坐落在上海最繁华的闹市中心。MOCA Caffé is a prestigious Italian restaurant, which is located at the busiest heart of Shanghai.

我们之所以把酒店建在闹市中,是为了让客人在周末可以更方便地参与街上的活动。Our downtown location can mean extra street activity on weekends, as much as we try to contain it.

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人情的冷漠,使我们在社会中穿上了厚厚的铠甲,身处闹市却异常孤独。Stoniness of human makes us feel quite lonely in the noisy world, just like wearing thick corselet.

假使人们不居住于其他人中,人们为曼哈顿或者芝加哥的闹市付租金的目的何在?What can people be paying Manhattan or downtown Chicago rents for, if not to be around other people?

这是由布宜诺斯艾利斯闹市一家老剧院改造成的豪华书店。All the world's a page at El Ateneo, a bookshopconverted from an old theatre in downtown Buenos Aires.

这是由布宜诺斯艾利斯闹市一家老剧院改的豪华书店。All the world's a page at El Ateneo, a bookshop converted from an old theatre in downtown Buenos Aires.

嫣语堂SPA馆是一处藏于闹市中的留给自己的空间。它位于繁华的燕莎商圈中心地带。The BEYONG BEAUTY SPA is where a space hidden in the city, locating in the commercial center of Beijing.

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由于我们在闹市拍广告,所以引来很多居民和途人围观。Since we were shooting in the middle of a busy area, we attracted a lot of residents and shoppers to watch.

咖啡馆�的来来往往和外面闹市的熙熙攘攘忽然都模糊了起来,我眼�能看到的,只有你。The people in the cafe and the busy street outside all disappeared into a hazy blur.All I could see was you.

咖啡馆�的来来往往和外面闹市的熙熙攘攘忽然都模糊了起来,我眼�能看到的,只有你。The people in the cafe and the busy street outside all disappeared into a hazy blur. All I could see was you.