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我是酷玩乐队的死忠。I am a die hard fan of coldplay.

玩乐时,时间过得好快。Time flies when you're having fun.

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他们对无聊的玩乐不感兴趣。They're not interested silly flings.

你可以玩乐,可以在教堂中笑。You can have fun, laughing in church.

所有人都知道酷玩乐队。Like, everyone knows who Coldplay are.

尽情玩乐,用功读书,努力工作。Play hard , study hard , and work hard.

你是在努力学习还是在尽情玩乐呢?Are you studying hard, or are you having fun?

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清洁的水源意味着孩子有时间可以玩乐Clean water means children have time to play.

穿上你的舞鞋,和大家一起尽情玩乐。Put on your dancing shoes. Have fun together.

我们这有很多的宴会、玩乐、伤悲。There was much feasting, playing and sorrowing.

“吃吃喝喝,玩玩乐乐,”一个士兵模仿道。"Eat, drink and be merry, " a soldier imitated.

瞧瞧他那身打扮,就像个典型的不学无术、只知玩乐的大学生。Look how he's dressed. He looks like Joe College.

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内心里是个好玩的人,你能享受一段良好的玩乐时光。A fun-loving person at heart, you enjoy a good time.

“尽情玩乐”意思是做一个与朋友尽情玩耍的人。“To connect playfully” means to be a playful person.

当我们还是小孩子的时候,我们单纯地喜欢玩乐,无忧无虑。As children, we were fun-loving, carefree individuals.

没有真实的伴侣,无意识的玩乐是彻底自由的。With no real partner, the unconscious is free to play.

年轻的“吉尔”在狂欢节中玩乐。Young Gilles of Binche play along during the carnival.

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为了玩乐?对男人来说就是的。Marriage, fun? Fiddle- dee-dee . Fun for men, you mean.

它们尽情玩乐,但通常性情都还好。They enjoy their fun but are generally not ill-tempered.

这些有趣的活动创意卡片能丰富你的大宝宝玩乐的世界!Enrich your baby's world of play with fun activity cards!