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狗狗专用的盘圈型蚊香。Mosquito coil for dogs.

使用专用点药器。Use the special applicator.

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采用KVP塑钢流化专用传送带。KVP plastic steer carry belt.

用户专用根目录的系统设置System setup for per-user root

慢车道专用号志?。Slow traffic lanes signal only?

VPS是虚拟专用服务器。AVPS is a Virtual Private Server.

可配专用偏转线圈。It can equip with deflection coil.

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使用专用的锁匙设定温度。Use special key setting temperature.

干那个活儿要用专用工具。You'll need a special tool to do that.

我徘徊在每一条富人专用的街上。I wander thro' each charter ' d street.

意法半导体TO-220封装的专用名称。ST proprietary name for TO-220 package.

这个段是每个进程专用的。This segment is unique to each process.

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你需要一个专用的工作间。You need to have a dedicated workspace.

专用集成电路。Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.

以前我曾在一专用剧场担任保留剧目的舞台总监。I once stage-managed a repertory theatre.

针织专用油、纫机专用油。Knitting for oil, sewing machines for oil.

可以选择性共享每个用户专用的挂载树Per-user mount trees with selective sharing

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随州是中国专用汽车之都。Suizhou is China's Special Vehicle Capital.

配置化工级专用输送喉管、安全、耐用。Chemical class-specific pipes, safe, durable.

同时,应使用攀岩专用的有色不袗。Rock coloured stainless steel should be used.