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阿谁孩子在滚铁环。The chellold was rolling a hoop.

铁环沿人行道滚动。The hoop rolled along the pavement.

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他们沿路滚铁环。They bowled their hoops along the road.

连在一起的铁环,可以解开。Iron rings linked each other can be unlinked.

艾伦和那些孩子们一起跑、一起跳、一起滚铁环。Ellen ran and jumped and rolled a hoop with the children.

墙上的铁环象烤焦的薄饼,变黑了,扭曲变形。The wall-ring was blackened and twisted like a burnt bannock.

血压表头,铁环尼龙或棉布臂带,乳胶球阀。Stop pin manometer, nylon or cotton D-ring cuff and standard bulb.

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例如铁环活页夹或螺柱活页夹都是活页装的一种。The ring binder and the post binder are examples of loose leaf binding.

然后把一根垂直放进袋去。就向一个带夹子的铁环。Provide a vertical rod inside the bag, such as a "ring stand", with clamps.

骑楼外的砖柱上,镶嵌有圆形的铁环,以供洪水期间作系船之用。The Iron Rings are for the local citizens to tie their boats during flood time.

这真是一个浩大的建筑,因为那儿将要用到1,500个呼啦铁环和12,000个拉链扣。It is a huge construction that is going to take place out of 1,500 hula-hoops and 12,000 zip-ties.

在大石所呆的地方出现了一个圆形的空间,中间有一块四方形的石板,上面有一个铁环。On the spot it had occupied was a circular space, exposing an iron ring let into a square flag-stone.

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拉手由橡胶环套接锯条或由铁环活动套接锯条构成。The handhold is formed by sheathing a rubber ring or movably sheathing an iron ring onto the saw blade.

玩家将小球升到半空后,他们需要尽量让这个摇摇晃晃的小球穿过铁环、玩具塔和其他障碍物。Once a player has the ball in the air they need to try to weave it through hoops, towers and other obstacles.

为取暖中国孩子们会玩一些特别的游戏,例如滚铁环和斗鸡等。To keep warm, the children of China have special games to play, such as hoop rolling and the cockfighting game.

她看到它们每一个都抓住了一件什么东西,无数的小手臂盘住它,像坚固的铁环一样。She saw that each held in its grasp something it had seized with its numerous little arms, as if they were iron bands.

屋里有一张板凳、一张桌子、一张铺着草垫的床、熏黑了的四堵墙,一堵墙上还有一个生了锈的铁环。There was a stool, and table, and a straw bed. Therewere the four blackened walls, and a rusted iron ring in one of them.

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人们都知道,一个未准确磁化的纯铁环引起振动并会很快失去作用。It is well known that an imprecisely magnetised ferrite ring is very susceptible to vibrations and quickly loses effectiveness.

地铁环控系统一般分为开式系统、闭式系统和屏蔽门系统。The metro environment control system is generally divided into the open type system, the close type system and the platform screens system.

可以拿一个没有受磁的铁环,将表在铁环中慢慢穿来穿去,这么重复几遍后,手表便会退磁复元。Can not take a magnetic ring, the table in the hoop slowly to wear to wear, so repeated several times, the watch will Fuyuan demagnetization.