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于是穆那查到了磨坊主那里。He came to the miller.

上帝的磨坊慢慢磨。天网恢恢,疏而不漏。The mills of God grind slowly.

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风力磨坊来自同一个村庄。A wind mill from the same village.

磨坊主女儿一个人在织毛衣。The miller's daughter sits and spins.

永不干涸的溪流,繁忙的磨坊。The never-failing brook, the busy mill.

磨坊主都往自己磨里注水。Every miller draws water to his own mill.

麦子在磨坊被磨成粉。The wheat is ground to flour at the mill.

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磨坊主穿着睡衣就跑了出来。The miller came running in his nightshirt.

丰益糖在澳大利亚拥有八个磨坊。Wilmar Sugar owns eight mills in Australia.

团伙们在旧磨坊内发现了一辆蓝色大货车。The men find a large blue van parked inside.

我们看着木头朝磨坊漂去。We watched the logs floating towards the mill.

一天,小马驮着麦子去磨坊。One day, a colt took a bag of wheat to the mill.

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磨坊过去依赖风力或水力操作。Mills used to depend on wind power or water power.

Bellick带着一队警卫快速搜索着磨坊区域。Bellick scours the mill area with a team of guards.

你看过乔乱·艾略特的“弗洛斯河上的磨坊”吗?Have you read George Eliot's"The Mill on the Floss"?

罗氏山口的地下磨坊是很不寻常的景观。The underground mills of Col-des-Roches are unusual.

那宽阔的池塘和池边的磨坊。The wide-spreading pond and the mill that stood by it.

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这个老磨坊已经辗磨了50年。This old mill has been grinding away for over 50 years.

没有泳池,但是磨坊旅馆里是有空调的。There is no pool but the mill does have air conditioning.

我们把麦子带到磨坊去让它碾碎成麦粉。We brought the wheat to the mill to be crushed into flour.