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不均匀,甚至在某些地方出现砂眼等故障。UN-uniform, and even in some parts sand hole, and so on.

砂眼。打光后可以达到镜面效果。Trachoma. Lighting can be achieved after the mirror effect.

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砂眼主要是由管模涂料引起的,涂层的强度对其有主要作用。Sand holes were caused by the strength of pipe mould coating.

后天性倒睫毛的原因,最常见的是由砂眼所引起的。Acquired inverted eyelashes reasons, the most common is caused by Shayan.

对熔模铸造砂眼缺陷产生因素进行了分析。Carried on the analysis to the lost wax casting craft sand hole defect creation factor.

砂眼不可以接受。暴露金属底材的电镀附著不可接受。Blisters are not acceptable. Improper adhesion which exposes bare metal is not acceptable.

此外,用于眼用制剂时,可治疗结膜炎、砂眼等眼疾。Moreover, when it was used as eyewash agent, it could treat conjunctivitis and sand holes.

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对气冲造型湿砂型生产铸钢件产生砂眼缺陷的原因及如何消除进行了研究。The causes and solutions of sand hole in steel casting with air impact molding were investigated.

表面瑕疵,例如碎片,烧痕,焊渣,砂眼应用磨光机打磨。Surface imperfections, such as slivers, scabs, burrs, weld splatter, and gouges, shall be removed by grinding.

材料表面应平整光滑,不允许有气孔、砂眼、结疤等缺陷。The surface of checking fixture should be flat and smooth and no deflects like pores, air hole, knobs are allowed.

高速离心铸造,组织致密,无砂眼、夹渣,表面光滑、壁厚均匀。Centrifugal casting, compact structure, free from pinhole porosity and slag, smooth surface and even wall thickness.

对色层涂布的要求是细腻无任何小颗粒,以免出现砂眼而破坏涂布的均匀一致。On layer coating requirement is no small particles and fine and smooth to avoid sand hole and uniform coating damage.

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配合其它减少铸件中砂子来源的工艺措施,可有效降低砂眼缺陷。The sand hole can be reduced effectively by combining with other process sources which decreasing the sand of casting.

其中螺纹锁紧、管螺纹密封、砂眼浸封缺氧胶生产量、销售量在国内领先。One thread lock, pipe thread sealing, trachoma Baptist hypoxia plastic closure production, sales in the domestic leader.

本篇报告著者等在三年间,使用细隙灯生体显微镜所做砂眼检查的结果。This paper presents the results of trachoma epidemiology studied, during the past three years, with slit-lamp biomicroscope.

介绍了用由面阵CCD组成的单列阵扫描法测量大型显像管玻壳模具的表面裂纹和砂眼等缺陷。A measuring method of the surface defects for the large model of the monitor tube, by scanning with planar CCD array is presented.

因为砂眼会造成眼睑板结膜结疤,进而导致眼睑内翻及倒睫毛。Shayan because the board will cause the eyelids and conjunctiva scarring, thus leading to eyelid inversion and inverted eyelashes.

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镍铜,易加工,但抗裂性较差。不受力的灰铸铁加工面及砂眼补焊。Copper nickel, good machinability bad crack resistance. Repair welding of shole gray cast iron machined surface subject to no load.

镍铜,易加工,但抗裂性较差。不受力的灰铸铁加工面及砂眼补焊。Copper nickel, good machinabilitybad crack resistance. Repair welding of sand holegray cast iron machined surface subject to no load.

所有分界面将能反射或散声波到达某个程度,包括龟裂、内容物、砂眼分布范围、及其它裂痕。All interfaces will reflect or scatter waves to some degree. This includes cracks, inclusions, grain boundaries and other discontinuities.