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示波器的频带宽度越宽,你将看到的越多。The higher the bandwidth, the more you will see.

用VB实现示波器功能的一个CAD设计,很好用。VB oscilloscope function of a CAD design, easy to use.

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实现像示波器一样的界面显示。Like oscilloscopes to achieve the same interface shows.

由此对示波器也有了一定的了解。Which have been gained on the oscilloscope understanding.

示波器带宽设为20兆赫兹,同轴探头。The oscilloscope bandwidth set at 20MHz with co-axial probe.

读眼图,写眼图,模板,示波器。DDR, read eye diagram, write eye diagram, DDR mask, Oscilloscope.

小演示程序演示了如何使用示波器的控制。The small demo program shows how to use the oscilloscope control.

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这是个虚拟的示波器,相信很多人都会用到。This is a virtual oscilloscope, I believe many people will apply.

带宽抉择示波器对信号的根基测量能力。Bandwidth decides oscillograph measures ability basically to signal.

然后叠加伪随机信号用示波器显示眼图。Then superimposed pseudo-random signal with an oscilloscope display eye.

这些信息可以在示波器上显示,以供医生分析。This information may be displayed on oscilloscopes for doctors to analyze.

无源电压探头是示波器最常用的探头。Passive voltage probe is the probe with the most commonly used oscillograph.

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从本质上看,探头是示波器测量链中的首要环节。In essence, the probe is the first link in the oscilloscope measurement chain.

跟踪3示波器探头放在远离次级线圈300毫米。Trace 3 is from an oscilloscope probe placed 300mm away from the secondary coil.

示威是过去在级别的示波器,这是连接的驱动器。A design of portable digital oscillograph based on MCU is proposed in this thesis.

高速宽带数字化示波器在高扫速工作时,仅能采集信号的少数样点。In high-speed wide-band- digitizer at high sweep speed, only a few samples screen.

我们是普源示波器的深圳总代理并有正式的授权书。We are Shenzhen Oscilloscopes RIGOL agent and there is a formal power of attorney.

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示威是过去在级别的示波器,这是连接的驱动器。Demonstration is past at the level of the oscillograph, to which was connected the drive.

使光功率尽量高,示波器显示的波形足够大。Make optical power as high as possible and waveform displayed by oscillograph big enough.

采用连续脉冲-示波器法测定电解过程的反电动势。The back EMF in the process of electrolysis is measured by continuous pulse-oscillograph.