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铜是热的良导体。Copper is a good conductor of heat.

所有的金属都是良导体。Not all metals are good conductors.

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在导体内部的场强为零。The field inside the conductor is zero.

金属是电的良导体。Metal is a good conductor of electricity.

这些金属并非都是良导体。Not all these metals are good conductors.

导体的静电感应。The electrostatic induction of conductor.

铜是电的良导体。Copper is a good conductor of electricity.

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将导体镜象法推广应用到介质。The image method of conductor is popularized.

密封并保护所有未绝缘的导体。Enclose and protect all uninsulated conductors.

专有的超低消耗实芯导体。Proprietary ultra low loss solid core conductors.

银、铜和铝是良导体。Sliver, copper and aluminium are good conductors.

我们认为铜和银是良导体。We refer to copper and silver as good conductors.

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是带4个内导体坏的托卡马克装置。MPT-X is a tokamak with a 4-node poloidal divertor.

铝和大多数金属都是良导体。Aluminium as well as most metals is a good conductor.

金属能轻易地传热。它们是热的良导体。Metals conduct heat easily. They are good conductors.

我们认为铜和银是良导体。All substances are not good conductors of electricity.

使导体悬浮于线的正中。Make conductors are suspended in the center of the line.

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铜和银都是电的良导体。Both copper and silver are good conductors of electricity.

在气-水界面形成的弧光和电闪在金属导体间穿行。This image shows lightning arcs beneath the liquid surface.

作用于上导体的力的方向朝下。The direction of the force on the upper conductor is downward.