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从那次我们离别后,我去了一所武校习武。From the time we left, I went to a school of martial arts.

扶贫济困是习武之人最基本的武德。The basic virtue of a swordsman is to help the weak and the poor.

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欢迎各位来北京武术宫习武健身。Welcome to learn kungfu and build bodies in Beijing Wushu Palace.

钟小娴习武,进步缓慢,提出拜穆雪飞为师。Zhong Xiaoxian kungfu, progress is slow, proposed MuXueFei for teacher.

自小练文习武,觉得是个人物。Man practicing martial arts since childhood, I feel is a personal matter.

他一直习武,锻炼成一副钢筋铁骨。He has been practicing martial art since childhood and has muscles of iron.

雪琪,记住,不要告诉宸哥我在偷偷习武。Snow Qi remembers, don't differentiate elder brother Chen at secretly Xi coerce.

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因手法,步法,腿法全面综合,现在是习武健身的最佳套路。It is a comprehensive routine of hand techniques, footwork, and kicking techniques.

而现在他也终于弄明白习武真正修炼的是什么了。And what he also eventually make martial real self-discipline of know Xi was what now.

各位同仁作为二十一世纪的习武者我们还能做些什么那?Honourable colleagues, as the twenty-first century, martial arts are what we can do that?

本实用新型涉及一种习武及健身中使用的新型多节棍。The utility model relates to a novel multiple section stick for exercising Wushu and building body.

他认为僧人与运动员之间就习武精神发生的争论“相当做作”。He thinks the debate between the monks and the athletes over spiritual affairs is 'fairly artificial.'

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雷子枫与每天发放银元跟村民,并且教村民们练枪习武。LeiZiFeng and every issue silver dollar with the villagers, and teach the villagers practice gun to stay.

少林主持释永信称,少林僧众是心怀对禅理的领悟和对少林的喜爱然而习武。Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kungfu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.

您在这里可以欣赏古代格斗术,您也可以在这里习武。Here you can appreciate the ancient bare-handed fight, and you can also practise the martial arts by yourself.

少林主持释永信称,少林僧众是心怀对禅理的领悟和对少林的热爱而习武。Yongxin, the abbot, says monks practice kung fu 'with an understanding of Zen Buddhism and love of the temple.

民间习武与军事武艺的双向交流促进了武术的发展。The intercourse between the folk martial arts and military martial arts promotes the martial arts' development.

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致力把俱乐部打造成一个国际性的习武健身、运动交友平台。We bend ourselves to creating an international platform to learn martial arts, keep fit, sport and make friends.

将来会有更多的类似活动在大青山。给大家这样一个习武平台。There will be more opportunities in the future on Daqingshan. We are providing such a service to martial artists.

很多习武者精神贫乏与无知,不能不倚重与某种武功无限夸大的神奇为中介而弃而不舍。Many martial persons are poor at spirit and knowledge because they stress, exaggerate and depend on gest too much.