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根深叶茂快成才。Be deep rooted , flourishing and growing quickly.

无志不成才,无欲不成功。No ambition, no achievement. No desire, no success.

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据我所知,你是双语培养成才的,是吗?。As I was told you were brought up bilingually, right?

成才,我们这伙人不只是为了对抗。Cheng Cai , people like us do not live only to fight.

每个人都是新生的婴儿,他的力量来自成才的力量。Man is a born baby, his power is the power of growth.

他教过的学生许多都已成才。Many of the students he taught have turned into talents.

传统上认为,孩子不打不成才。To spare the rod was, traditionally, to spoil the child.

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在国内一样可以学好英语,一样可以成才。You can also learn English well and achieve success at home.

如果把成才比作登天,自学便是成才的天梯。If compare up to heaven, self-study is the ladder of success.

学习环境胜古代,刻苦成才人遂愿。Learning environment wins the ancient and hard-talent people Sui Yuan.

在冠军成才路上,侯逸凡同样吃了很多苦。Ms.Hou dined on plenty of bitterness in working her way up to champion.

四自“教育是促进女大学生健康成长与成才的基础。"Four selfs" education is the base of promoting them to grow healthily.

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2007年获复旦大学复华奖教金青年教师成才奖。"Fu Hua Award" for Fudan University's young teachers in talent in 2007.

选材成功率的极小值可以从成才率反推。The minimum identification rate can be calculated from the success rate. 4.

从很早很早以前,精英成才之路便已经成为可以量化的东西。Progress along the meritocratic path has become measurable from a very early age.

我们要立足自身,挖掘潜力,强化目标,力求成才。We have to base itself, potential, and strengthen the goal, and strive to become.

诸葛亮的成才离不开沂蒙文化对他的哺育与熏陶。His success can't be separated from the nurture and edification of Yimeng Culture.

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心理键康与一个人的成就、贡献、成才关系重大。Kang key psychological and a person's achievements, contributions, become crucial.

坚信“人皆有成才成德的可能性”,正视教育的重要性。Believe that all men have a success, are the source of the importance of education.

非智力因素在人的成才道路上起着重要作用。Non-intelligence factor plays and essential role on the development of human being.