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盗匪洗劫这个城镇。The bandits looted the town.

窃贼洗劫了我的房间。Burglars had ransacked my flat.

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敌兵洗劫这座城市。Enemy soldiers ransacked the town.

皇家军队于1527年洗劫了罗马城。Imperial troops sacked Rome in 1527.

窃贼洗劫了房内所有抽屉里的东西。Thief rifled every drawer in the room.

警方说,抢劫者洗劫了商店。Police said looters had ransacked shops.

他洗劫了24个城市,为什么要这样呢He sacked 24 cities. Why do you sack a city?

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盗匪在光天化日之下,洗劫银行。The robbers struck the bank in broad daylight!

难道上帝让你洗劫美丽的城市?Did God make you the sacker of peaceful cities?

他在柏林的住宅曾遭纳粹党人洗劫。His house in Berlin was ransacked by the Nazis.

南京曾遭受过日本侵略者的洗劫。Nanjing city was sacked by Japanese aggressors.

零星的几家商店看上去像被洗劫过。Several shops looked like they had been looted.

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一个窃贼从窗户钻进来,把他们洗劫的空。A burglar come in the window and clean them out.

强盗们洗劫了那商人的财物。The robbers despoiled the merchant of his goods.

他们没有找到他,但是他们洗劫了教堂。They didn't find him, but they ransacked the church.

他们在夜晚万籁俱寂时洗劫了这位老妇的住宅。They ransacked the old lady's house in the dead of night.

赫尔克里斯于是发动了一场战争,洗劫了艾丽斯。Hercules waged a successful war on the King, sacking Elis.

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很多商店被洗劫,一些店铺被放火焚烧。Many stores have been ransacked and some have been set ablaze.

示威者还毁坏汽车,洗劫其它商店。The demonstrators also damaged cars and vandalized other shops.

靖国神社成为洗劫一个邪恶王子,大气。The shrine becomes ransacked by one of the evil princes, Atmos.