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在公路上?Upon the highway?

我会走高速路360号和州际公路30号。I'll take 360 and I-30.

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可能会引起公路暴怒。you could get road rage.

他驾车沿公路向前行驶。He drives down a highway.

漫无尽头的公路。It's a long endless road.

这是一条繁忙的主要公路。This is a busy main road.

一辆公共汽车在公路上奔驰。A bus whirled on the road.

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周六是M25公路建成25周年。The M25 is 25 on Saturday.

他的土地紧靠公路。His land abuts onto a road.

我驾车沿公路向西行。I drove west along the road.

州际公路就在那里。The Interstate's right there.

后金公路经此。After the payment by the road.

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他沿公路高速行驶。He barreled along the highway.

这公路延伸到大同。The highway reaches to Datong.

那条公路沿湖蜿蜒向前。The road winds along the lake.

汽车在公路上急驰。The car sped along the highway.

美国公路2雷到迈诺特。US Highway 2 from Ray to Minot.

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轮胎在公路上嚓嚓低吟。The tires sang over the highway.

201公路,通往加拿大,沿经缅因Road To Canada via Maine, Rt. 201

这块田紧靠着公路。The field adjoins to the highway.