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运动场。The playground.

不要在运动场运转!Don't run in the playground!

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他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。He limped off the playground.

宾宾准备去露天运动场。Binbin is going to the stadium.

所以就到运动场晨跑去。So I went to the sports ground.

运动场已划块标出。The playground has been blocked out.

运动场临近学校。The playing field adjoins the school.

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运动场临近学校。The playing-field adjoins the school.

运动场和学校相连。The playing-field adjoins the school.

她住在运动场附近的房子里。She all but resided in the field house.

所有学生都在运动场上。All the students are on the sportsground.

旅行,生命这没有回程的运动场。Travel, life does not return this stadium.

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有些教室也在运动场上。Some teachers are also on the sportsground.

人群从运动场拥出。The crowds surge out of the sports stadium.

宠物,玩具,业余爱好和运动场设备Pets, Toys, Hobbies, and Playground Equipment

运动场的看台坡度很大。The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.

这些都能在运动场进行。So this would all take place in the gymnasium.

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起床后,我便在运动场锻炼身体。Then I do morning exercises in the playground.

他们挤过大门,进入运动场。They crowded through the gate into the stadium.

这个地方已拨来作运动场。This place is appropriated for a sports ground.