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罗马帝国又一次形成了三足鼎立的局面。The empire was once again divided into three.

6月20日的一项民意调查显示出一种三足鼎立的态势。A June 20 poll had the race a three-way dead heat.

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正如几周来的民调结果所示,民主党方面形成了三足鼎立的局面。As polls had suggested for weeks, it was a three-way race on the Democratic side.

而人权的观点最终在某种程度上,使我的研究方向形成三足鼎立的状况。And the human rights idea came into sort of complete the three-pointed set of interests.

世界汽车业经过三次霸主地位的转移,形成了当今三足鼎立的局面。World automobile industry forms a tripod complexion through three times of the transfer of power position.

而中间派领导人贝鲁的异军突起也是总统大选呈现三足鼎立之势。The rise of the centrist François Bayrou has turned the presidential election into an open three-horse race.

通俗文化,精英文化,官方意识形态文化三足鼎立,各领风骚。That is to say, popular culture, elitist culture and authoritative ideological culture scrambled for readers.

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在这一特色中,“三足鼎立”的是别墅、花园公寓和双层公寓。In this feature, "the confrontation among three forces" are villas, apartments and double-decker garden apartments.

刚输的那场球使得湖人不能与新奥尔良和圣安东尼奥在西部三足鼎立。The latest loss kept them from joining New Orleans and San Antonio in a three-way tie for the Western Conference lead.

未来全球货币体系,应当形成以美元、欧元、人民币三足鼎立的支撑架构。For the future global currency system, the architecture with three pillars of US Dollar, Euro and RMB yuan is recommended.

目前三种研究模式“三足鼎立”,但未来的发展是以“法学模式”引领航向已初现端倪。The three study modes co- exist at present with indications of the "jurisprudence mode" leading the way for future development.

与另外11个提供其批发服务的州地方银行一起,占据势同三足鼎立的德国银行业的一角。With 11 Landesbanken, which provide them with wholesale services, they make up one of the German banking industry's three pillars.

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实证求真学派、新儒家经世学派与马克思主义史学派,是中国20世纪20年代末到40年代末三足鼎立的三大史学流派。Those two schools and the Marxist school were the three tripartite historical sects from the end of the 1920s to the end of the 1940s.

另外,希拉里也能把本来反克林顿系的左翼为其所用,形成与疯狂左派和狂躁右派的三足鼎立。Mrs Clinton may also be able to use left-wing anti-Clintonism to her advantage—triangulating between the crazed left and the foaming right.

这标志着中国电信业进入三足鼎立的时代,整个市场由三家全业务运营商所垄断。This indicates that China's telecom industry into the era of the three pillars of the entire market by three full-service operators a monopoly.

这是发生在苏联的一个非常有趣的事情。如果你看一看他们的政丄府,它有点儿是一种三足鼎立的政党体制。This was a very interesting thing that happened in the Soviet Union. If you look at their government, it's kind of a three-branch party system.

鉴于德国私营、国营和公私合营银行的”三足鼎立”结构,其银行业务系统将依旧无可避免的支离破碎。The country's banking system will remain hopelessly fragmented, thanks to the country's "three pillar" structure of private, public and co-operative banks.

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重组完成后,我国电信产业形成了一个新移动、新电信和新联通三足鼎立的竞争局面。Reorganization is completed, China's telecom industry to form a new mobile, new Telecom and China Unicom the three pillars of the new competitive situation.

到20世纪一、二十年代,中资银行已经发展成为和外资银行、钱庄三足鼎立的重要金融力量。Up to 1920s, Chinese modern banks, along with foreign banks and traditional Chinese banks, constituted three rival powers prevailing China's financial market.

在这种情况下,国内旅游、出境旅游蓬勃发展,构成了出境旅游、入境旅游、国内旅游三足鼎立的局面。In this case, internal travel, is it grow vigorously to travel abroad, form travel abroad, inbound tour, situation that internal travel stand like the legs of a tripod.