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冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。The fake Santa Clause lied.

当圣诞老人的雪撬铃响的时候。When Santa's sleigh bells ring.

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揭开这个盖,圣诞老人冒出来!Open the lid, out santa will pop.

圣诞老人一向待我们不薄。Santa Claus is always good to us.

圣诞老人被认为是流浪汉。Santa is also known as the Swag Man.

看看这个有关圣诞老人的小助手的故事。Find out how in Santa's Little Helper.

这些戴着面具的圣诞老人要带我们去哪儿?Where Are the Masked Santas Taking Us?

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你的孩子还相信有圣诞老人吗?Do your kids still believe in Santa Claus?

让我们和圣诞老人合个影吧!Let's take a photo with Santa Claus Jason!

我喜欢圣尼古拉斯,你可以践履这位胖乎乎的圣诞老人。I like St. Nicholas. You can keep chubby Santa.

伯南克是我们和蔼可亲的圣诞老人,“吼吼!Bernanke is our genial Santa Claus. "Ho! Ho! Ho!

圣诞老人总共拥有十二只驯鹿,一边六只。Santa Claus has a total of 12 reindeer, while 6.

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他说圣诞老人太胖了,下不来我们的烟囱。He says Santa is too fat to come down our Chimney.

圣诞老人驾着驯鹿拉的雪橇。Santa is riding on the sleigh pulled by reindeers.

比如,你可以带着圣诞老人帽或者驯鹿耳朵跑步。Wear a Santa hat or reindeer ears during your run.

给圣诞老人写封信,你也许可能得到奖品。Write a letter to Santa and you might win a prize.

孩子们热切盼望着圣诞老人的到来。The children are longing for Santa Claus to arrive.

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在santa.gl你可以阅读到更多有关圣诞老人的知识At you can read much more about Santa Claus.

姥爷像个迟到的圣诞老人,给我们带来了好多好多好吃的,好玩的。Laoye is like Santa Claus late by a couple of months.

最近,一个塑料圣诞老人被人从门上撕掉了。Recently a plastic Santa Claus was ripped off a door.